Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adult

Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

Im in. Lets get workin on it! Make a thread, every time you smoke a new strain post up in there and give a smoke report.
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

I love the passion from you guys! It's inspiring to an old timer like me.

Yeapper, gets me all teary eyed and stuff :cheesygrinsmiley:

Show of hands - who here smokes at least 11 joints a day every day? How about 50 a day?
I must be smokin' topShelf,
I cain't get through 5-6 by myself, without at least one nap.

Why not apply these unique features to the needs of individual people as to their individual needs. The info on each strain is, why not study each one as a different needs, need different strains approach? They could break it down and give each their own identity and prescribe accordingly.
A guide as you described would be an incredible study which would help add to the great advantages of marijuana that most people seem to miss. If enough information about MJ is brought to light, people will HAVE to accept it. Sort of how the outcome of a case is reliant upon a party's ability to prove something "beyond a reasonable doubt". They won't be able to keep their ignorant opinions if the truth.
It's the same ol'Thang, close minded folks will not listen
So ya' have to keep after Them!
We cain't seem to get Organized.
Too many different factions, some that won't even say they are,
info is spread all over the place
and the paranoia.

And yes, it would all be so much simpler is it was Legal.
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

Text-book case of yellow journalism?
Originally Posted by FreakNature View Post
I read that and laughed at the absurdity - the risk is:

"The marijuana users in the study averaged smoking 78 to 350 marijuana cigarettes per week, based on self-reported drug history, the researchers said."

Show of hands - who here smokes at least 11 joints a day every day? How about 50 a day?

The study didn't show that the users had heart disease. It's just a red herring.

Jesus God!!!...who the fork is smoking 11-50 joints a day???!!! god,..I only need about 8-10 bowls a day at best, and thats if I'm smoking mids, But if I'm smoking "one hit wonder" grade I only need 5-6 hits at best. I'm currently smoking "White Widow" and "holy crap" that stuff stays with you for a while...that's what we've been talking about all along is that they need a marijuana grading system to use as a factual tool to base their studies on and not just keeping on saying it's stronger than it was in my day as if they didn't even enjoy it back then???:thedoubletake: What they haven't grasped yet is the fact that people have different favorites for their high of choice...I personally just love a clean all day clear happy buzz with an intellectual side to it...I could sell ice to the Eskimos when I've been smoking that stuff...In fact, I need Mooses advice on a good choice for that particular brand of weed to acquire some time...any recommendations on that one Moose??? so thats what I'm talking about...How well can you function on this one and then that one and so on and so on...studies need to be conducted before stereotyping the whole lot!!! FACTS IS FACTS PEOPLE!!! get it right before judging me!!! The main thing here is to be responsible enough as a smoker to not try to get so toe up that you cant do everyday normal activities like working and taking care of your kids...I find in my own personal experience that with the right buzz going, that I am so much more in tuned to my 4yr old son and he just has a ball with his daddy and I also have an uncanny ability with animals when I'm high to the point that people can't believe it, almost like the Dog Whisperer, so you tell me that a pot smoker can't be an asset to the community!! I say that's a bunch of pure stereotypical bullshit!! Now I'll end with this point; I truly, whole heartedly believe that it has to be just what NORML says about ADULTS ONLY!!!PERIOD!!! kids need to get their education and smoking weed WILL interfere with that...why do I know that,you ask???...Because it forked up my education royally. I had little ambition to want to study because I was just looking for that next party or good time and school wasn't on my priority list!!! But as a grown man, I have a carrier and a life that I can call my own and I am responsible enough to balance out between fun and serious. You should always know your limitations and I think a guide like this would be an invaluable tool for adults to fallow in choosing their weed of cool is that idea???
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

Yeapper, gets me all teary eyed and stuff :cheesygrinsmiley:

I must be smokin' topShelf,
I cain't get through 5-6 by myself, without at least one nap.

It's the same ol'Thang, close minded folks will not listen
So ya' have to keep after Them!
We cain't seem to get Organized.
Too many different factions, some that won't even say they are,
info is spread all over the place
and the paranoia.

And yes, it would all be so much simpler is it was Legal. hit the nail on the head...We have to unify people!!! maybe someone can answer this question that's bothered for a while now...Why cant sites like this be shoulder to shoulder in our struggle? I mean, why is there rivalry between them, when we all have the same common goal? and not just MJ forum sites but, ALL the activist groups? I told y'all I would be saying this again and again!!! UNIFICATION IS THE KEY!!!PERIOD!!! Now I know that there are some that have the wrong message and could actually do more harm than good but that is what education is for and their would most defiantly have to be a large panel of administrators to govern such a large group and the unsavory element's would have to be dealt with but, their could be so much gained by unification that it boggles the mind if you think about it. I absolutely love 420 mag and I think it's the best site like this I've ever seen, hands down. The people here are the most compassionate and informative of all the forums I've seen. I would not ever dream of rocking the boat, my question on this is purely intended as a curiosity thing and not me trying to outsource anything as I would not dream of defacing my home away from home but, while I'm at needs to step up to the plate and mesh everyone together but, where do you start? I think a letter to NORML and HT might be a start but, if they shoot it down I would not be surprised as agendas might be compromised, So what do we do? If anyone figures that one out, let me know as I'm all ears!!!

By the way; I would like to think the creators of "White Widow" for all this analytical thought see how it works?lol...laws should be created while smoking this stuff,LOLOLOL
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

Because half of us are Black, as in Covert, The BlackBrotherHood.

We can walk shoulder to shoulder *but*
what's the possible fallout!?!

One of my Ppls that didn't show for the march put it best,
"I was too paranoid to stand around the capital with Y'all."
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

Yeapper, gets me all teary eyed and stuff :cheesygrinsmiley:

I must be smokin' topShelf,
I cain't get through 5-6 by myself, without at least one nap.

It's the same ol'Thang, close minded folks will not listen
So ya' have to keep after Them!
We cain't seem to get Organized.
Too many different factions, some that won't even say they are,
info is spread all over the place
and the paranoia.

And yes, it would all be so much simpler is it was Legal.

I believe that we wont be able to unify FULLY until a respected, like-able, and interesting person decides to lead this cause. How long it will take to get this needed leader? I don't know. What I do know is that we can help raise suspicions about the MJ law just by simply spreading knowledge.
Ok, now we are on to something here, peep this one out...a Book needs to be written and co authored by people like us along with respected doctors and scientist that have taken all the compelling evidence from all these different strain effects to let people (i.e.; abolitions & politicians) know that there former studies are nothing more than disinformation and we are here to educate the masses!!! wow!!! I give my self chills sometimes!!!lol I can think of a few here that would be up to that task...cant Y'all? A book like this would not get anyone in particular in trouble so it's almost ingenious in it's nature and would just scare the fuck out of our counter parts...can you imagine the fear that something like this would instill? we need to spread the word to an uprising through the proper channels before any action can be taken on like this though. Letters and E-mails need to be sent as a driving force...all we need is this strain study to be conducted and then we could go from there....How Bout That??? He have to quit taking "NO" for an answer!!! I'd like to see the fear turned on them for a change!!! Damn, This WW is good...I just had another brain storm!!! We need to have seminars as well as a book on this unique fact about the different properties of these want to talk about marijuana education? start filling entire banquet halls with people as to teach a strain based re-education and about the safe new delivery systems they can use to achieve a more fully enlightened and forfilling lifestyle...sound like a plan? Here is something that needs to be addressed by each and every one of us; That is the fact that most people...even smokers, do not know that there is even such thing as two different base strains and mainly just growers only know that fact. We need to start telling our friends about the difference between Sativa & Indica and the mixes of the two...I think that people need to know there is a choice between couch lock and party weed and that some are just too powerful for a noob smoker. that is what WE can contribute on a more personal level. dad has been smoking since the 60's and HE didn't even know that until I taught him a little something about growing. I mean, he knew that some were stronger than others, but the fact that they all had a name and each one had their own proven effect???he had no clue!!! Hell, for that matter...I didn't even know that, until I started my hobby!
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

well..we need to get the word out somehow, yes ...but, I think Boss is right about letters and E-mails being a starting point but, who do you talk too?...I do think we need to take stock and get ducks in a row and first do some leg work to find out if anyone may be actually doing studies on a strain by strain analysis and even see if we could even be of assistance to them in a confidential way or what ever...we would have to hammer alot of stuff out before just getting all militant and scaring any real help we may have off...This will take kit gloves and an objective and tactful opinion. It will have to be a give a little take a little thing until the evidence starts pouring in to concur with our side and then we will have the ass to back up what we say with a fully analyzed case study . In the mean time, lets ALL do some home work as a band of Rebels with a cause to find anyone that may be already doing this research first & bookmark any pages that seem to lean towards these studies and they will be our first friends we have to make, we need to share our ideas with them and see if any will look into doing some research on this unique feature about marijuana and stress to them the importance of what could be something beautiful. I have been goggling stuff like "medical marijuana research" and "strain based marijuana research" and there are some studies in the works about different "outside the box" marijuana research out there but, I have yet to find one utilizing any info about the different strains having different strengths and different effects with a wide array of mood enhancements...Hell, some just makes you kinda mad at the world...lets face it, unless you acquire beans like the ones that are out there and grow them yourself then you really have no say so in what kind of weed you smoke and the effects it will have on you so...In that respect I can understand the paranoia to an extent...some weed is not for some people and thats a fact. It's like this, non motivational heavy Indicas do not need to be smoked by healthy individuals who are just wanting to deal with stress and someone with pain from surgery dose not need a up all day fast pace feeling of a pure Sativa. I just don't see them even distinguishing between the two in any of their studies, not to mention all the crosses that have beneficial uses as well and the fact that weed by induced natural selection can actually be suited to fit certain needs of different people...the Science is out there, just ask Smokin Moose!!! Right Moose? we just need some research done on this subject.:smokin: Look!...screaming from the roof tops dose Nada bit of good without the ass to back your argument! You know I think it's time we let these doctors and scientist in on our little secrete about what we as hobbiest already know and there is already data for....just go to any bean site and it's all there for you, all you really need to do is make notes on every one in there. They already give a description of what you can expect from every one they sell and we all know this fact...but, do you think they know this? It's doubtful! A little leg work would be all we need to compile this evidence. That is another good starting point.
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

Contact Marco Renda, a member here, who publishes Treating Yourself Magazine. He has done some ground work on this, and may be able to steer you towards the info you need, or folks who are studying this. Marco is also a sponsor of 420 Magazine. Treating Yourself
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

Will I get a tWEED jacket with a lapel bud?
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

well..we need to get the word out somehow, yes ...but, I think Boss is right about letters and E-mails being a starting point but, who do you talk too?...I do think we need to take stock and get ducks in a row and first do some leg work to find out if anyone may be actually doing studies on a strain by strain analysis and even see if we could even be of assistance to them in a confidential way or what ever...we would have to hammer alot of stuff out before just getting all militant and scaring any real help we may have off...This will take kit gloves and an objective and tactful opinion. It will have to be a give a little take a little thing until the evidence starts pouring in to concur with our side and then we will have the ass to back up what we say with a fully analyzed case study . In the mean time, lets ALL do some home work as a band of Rebels with a cause to find anyone that may be already doing this research first & bookmark any pages that seem to lean towards these studies and they will be our first friends we have to make, we need to share our ideas with them and see if any will look into doing some research on this unique feature about marijuana and stress to them the importance of what could be something beautiful. I have been goggling stuff like "medical marijuana research" and "strain based marijuana research" and there are some studies in the works about different "outside the box" marijuana research out there but, I have yet to find one utilizing any info about the different strains having different strengths and different effects with a wide array of mood enhancements...Hell, some just makes you kinda mad at the world...lets face it, unless you acquire beans like the ones that are out there and grow them yourself then you really have no say so in what kind of weed you smoke and the effects it will have on you so...In that respect I can understand the paranoia to an extent...some weed is not for some people and thats a fact. It's like this, non motivational heavy Indicas do not need to be smoked by healthy individuals who are just wanting to deal with stress and someone with pain from surgery dose not need a up all day fast pace feeling of a pure Sativa. I just don't see them even distinguishing between the two in any of their studies, not to mention all the crosses that have beneficial uses as well and the fact that weed by induced natural selection can actually be suited to fit certain needs of different people...the Science is out there, just ask Smokin Moose!!! Right Moose? we just need some research done on this subject.:smokin: Look!...screaming from the roof tops dose Nada bit of good without the ass to back your argument! You know I think it's time we let these doctors and scientist in on our little secrete about what we as hobbiest already know and there is already data for....just go to any bean site and it's all there for you, all you really need to do is make notes on every one in there. They already give a description of what you can expect from every one they sell and we all know this fact...but, do you think they know this? It's doubtful! A little leg work would be all we need to compile this evidence. That is another good starting point.

Contact Marco Renda here if you need advice on strains for illnesses.
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

The most blatant hypocritical aspect of this is the fact that one of the most dangerous drugs, to health, society, and human nature is made perfectly legal. It is by far the most detrimental substance that the human race partakes in consuming. It is not a secret. It is not a new development. If health and safety of the people were really on these "leaders" minds, then alcohol would be a schedule 1 substance. So since we are being so outlandishly denied life enhancing medicines while the worst of drugs are promoted daily with no second thoughts, we really need to decide who is going to keep telling us what we can and can't do. The voice of the people? Or the lies of the few? With the abundant knowledge we have access to in this day in age, it is more than easy to see through the mind games and word play. If we chose to change this way of life it will happen. Life operates on the principle of free will, what we want we get. So if the majority of people can be tricked into thinking that variable x is what they should want life to be, that is what they focus on and get. This is the basis of controlling other people, it is simply the persuasion of their free will. It takes a great deal of effort and distraction to lead people away from the truth. On the other hand, truth does not have to be force fed or manipulated to be appealing. People everywhere are waking up and it is a heart felt joy to see it. That is why there is so much negative propoganda being directed towards this plant, as well as the myriad of other parts of our lives, from the government and the companies that control it, whom in turn are controlled by their insane, unquenchable thirst for control. It is obvious that lies are exponentially harder to maintain than truth. So I believe the question is who is going to lead the people: bringers of the truth, or propogators of lies? Each individual has to decide what he/she wants this life and this world to be about. What is going to be important in your life? I know looking the other way isnt appealing to me anymore. The truth is out. The cracks in the system are easy to see. Its up to us how long we want to take to make it crumble. Spread the truth and speak out!
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

my above post might be a bit out of context but i read something on the first page or two that set me off
Re: Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adul

The most blatant hypocritical aspect of this is the fact that one of the most dangerous drugs, to health, society, and human nature is made perfectly legal. It is by far the most detrimental substance that the human race partakes in consuming. It is not a secret. It is not a new development. If health and safety of the people were really on these "leaders" minds, then alcohol would be a schedule 1 substance. So since we are being so outlandishly denied life enhancing medicines while the worst of drugs are promoted daily with no second thoughts, we really need to decide who is going to keep telling us what we can and can't do. The voice of the people? Or the lies of the few? With the abundant knowledge we have access to in this day in age, it is more than easy to see through the mind games and word play. If we chose to change this way of life it will happen. Life operates on the principle of free will, what we want we get. So if the majority of people can be tricked into thinking that variable x is what they should want life to be, that is what they focus on and get. This is the basis of controlling other people, it is simply the persuasion of their free will. It takes a great deal of effort and distraction to lead people away from the truth. On the other hand, truth does not have to be force fed or manipulated to be appealing. People everywhere are waking up and it is a heart felt joy to see it. That is why there is so much negative propoganda being directed towards this plant, as well as the myriad of other parts of our lives, from the government and the companies that control it, whom in turn are controlled by their insane, unquenchable thirst for control. It is obvious that lies are exponentially harder to maintain than truth. So I believe the question is who is going to lead the people: bringers of the truth, or propogators of lies? Each individual has to decide what he/she wants this life and this world to be about. What is going to be important in your life? I know looking the other way isnt appealing to me anymore. The truth is out. The cracks in the system are easy to see. Its up to us how long we want to take to make it crumble. Spread the truth and speak out!

Well it's like this...we as smokers have been so oppressed for so long that it will take a total re-education of main stream society and you had better believe that the Drug, alcohol & tobacco companies are going to fight tooth and nail to keep it down too. What we are going to have to do is get off our lazy asses and start a gathering so big that no amount of money or power can hide it from the truth but like I said before, we are going to have to have the hard evidence in hand before we will have a leg to stand on.

I mean people need to know a few things before we just start marching in the streets. Certain people need to know about the safer delivery systems that have been developed and the fact that every strain is different from each other and that weed can be genetically altered to fit certain needs...people need to know this. We as smokers have to let them know that not all weed is this super potent substance that just makes you fall into a comatose state that you cant function on...We know this already but do you think they do? My guess is, NO.

Like I said before...most smokers don't even know there is such thing as a Sativa & an Indica and that they have almost total opposite effects. Most of them just know it as happy weed or sleepy weed without even knowing why that is. So I think a strain research could be an invaluable tool for our mission but don't expect some kind of over night rock the world findings but more of a proving that they have been misinformed all these years and the new evidence counters that. We need a big gun to put a good taste in everyone's mouths to replace the bad taste that the government has placed there since the 60's.

You can start by doing research & talking to people you know about the fact that not all marijuana strains are alike and that if we can get this into the light and counter these hardened beliefs then we might stand a chance. I believe we need a guideline to fallow before we just start talking blindly about it though. There has to be structure and organization...A method to the madness, if you will. I you go into something without all the facts in hand as to be a reckoning force of knowledge, then you can expect alot of low blows from our counterparts. POWER IN NUMBERS, WITH KNOWLEDGE IN HAND!!! Dose this make since?

I think alot of doctors are taking a real close look into vapor technology right now and if we let them in on a new strain research idea they will start getting excited about it...I believe doctors and scientist will be our biggest allies in our fight because by nature it is their job to search for the truth. Most of them will still be skeptical at first but as time goes on and more research comes to light, more and more will switch sides.

I do think it is a winnable fight but it will take time. We HAVE to win hearts and minds here & the only way is hard proof! I also believe that once we have this hard evidence we need to send a message to the DEA that we are not going to sit back and take what they are dishing out anymore, All the knowledge they have on weed is only gathered after they have disrupted lives and tainted by people just trying to get them selves out of trouble. The DEA will only listen to other cops and we need to get "LEAP" (law enforcement against prohibition) involved with this as well.
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