Advanced Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Used up the last of my canna and found some bottles of advanced nutrients I bought before..

Got ph perfect micro/grow/bloom

I know the ph is suppose to be fine at a higher range, but I’d prefer to drop it down to the 5.8 range for coco will there be any problem in applying ph down to the mix
I liked the sensi pH perfect line
My only issue was I maxed at 50% of recommended amount of nutes and it was always a struggle to get it lower
The pH nutes will fight against the pH down, mine did, so it can be a challenge

I was in Hempy so tried to get below 6ph but was a challenge
Thanks chris
I’ll have a mess about and see, I roughly know how many drops of ph down are needed per litre so if I’m finding it’s to much I’ll just had to bin it off

Unless anyone else knows?
I have PH perfect for Hydro, but the PH is 6.5 like clockwork, so thats wrong,..

I use cocoloco, and have been using the PH perfect/MegaCrop stack..

I use Calmag also.

So anyways, to get from 6.5 PH, I use 12 drops to get to 5.8. of PH down.

After 4 hours, I have a .1 drift up,

So, It was 5.8 to start, now its 5.9
So seems pretty stable.
I water 8 times a day, using 1/4 strength.

4ML calmag
2 Grams MegaCrop
4ML Grow
4ML Micro
4ML Bloom
.50 ML PH Down,

Not sure if that helps ya, good luck,
I can make a Plain batch of the nutes if you need me too.
Cheers dude

It’s suppose to be able to be taken at a higher ph range.
But if you are using ph down and it’s been fine that’s good enough for me..
Thanks mayne, really helpful
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