Advice for grow


New Member
i live in texas and im getting everything ready for the end of summer to start my grow, what kind of plant do u think would be best sutible for me?sativa or indica? i live in west texas and im gonna go outdoor with it.

thanks for the help!:smokin:
well most strains grow good about 75 degrees (+ or - ) 5 or 10 less at night, so it really depends on the spot you pick...

maybe a haze of some sort? :rollit:
Midland Odessa, West Texas Cowboys they was all around I needed money they was loaded down, so soon after payday lord it seemed a shame!

Sativas perform Very Well in that region,careful on hot day there to keep em wet.

Start them now. A good Sinaloa seed strain will do well there, I prefered The Southern Mexican States genetics. But you need to have them going now or real soon to be ready to plant outside. Good Harvests are late September - October.. Oh yeah.
thats what i think im going to do, grow sativas, because i would think that since its pretty hot and a little dry. i was thinking about columbian red haze?
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