Alternatives to Water in your Bong?


420 Member
An Alternative to Water in your Bong.
Does anybody put anything else it your Bongs Water Chamber?
Like club soda?... or some watered down orange juice?... any Ideas?
Powerade lol...Thats whats around if I don't have water in it.
Well, you can use anything that's liquid, hell, even maple syrup. Just because you can put it in your bong doesn't mean you should. I'd just stick to water or ice water.
Stick to water.
besides regular water I use flavored water, the carbonated kind. it creates more bubbles and tastes hella delicious .. strawberry mmm....
green tea and ice - sometimes a lemon slice.

just dump my tea in the bong.

but nothin beats icewater
well if its a home-made throwaway bong i use whatever. No alcohol of course but any other liquid you would drink works. Juice tastes nice to me.
isos 42o said:
flavored carbonated water seems like a cool ideal ima try thaat

i do this all the time and it works well
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