Am I ready?


Well-Known Member
This is a white widow, one of two, other may be slightly behind this one. She is looking pretty crunchy...all fan leaves brown, some of the smaller leaves starting to amber tric' far as I can tell, about half are cloudy, most all hairs are brown. I did the best I could with the camera I have.....I moved her outside to chop, but figured I would ask the masses first as I am guessing here. What do you think, besides she looks like





She looks pretty close to me, I can still see she's throwing out some white pistles, it's hard to be sure without seeing the trichs close up, I'd say a few more days wouldn't hurt.

Looks like she's going to yield well for you :thumb:
Thank you very much, she is getting heavy.... I just cropped the skunk and jarred her today...only ended up with a little under 3oz. I kind of expected that this time as I screwed up in the beginning of the grow. I think I will follow your advice and stick her back in for a few days.
Was able to get some photo's (thank you OG man) not the best but I hope they help. This is near the top, bottom seem to be a little further along.


IMG_0100 (1).jpg

IMG_0102 (2).jpg
I'd say she definitely looks like she would go longer, maybe even a week, just keep checking, those trichs can turn quickly.
It's well worth the wait to chop her at peak potency.
So I guess the browning of the leaves is normal....for some reason I don’t remember that happening my first two grows. Maybe I pulled too early the first grows. It is so hard for me to tell sometimes with the HPS. One thing I definitely will not miss is the yellow tint you get from HPS when I get my led’s up and running.
the browning of the leaves is not normal, imo,, not the wee ones on the bud

your plant has some issues but is very close to harvest, as i see it

amber or not,, more bro science there,, again, imo

harvesting a bit early is not only not a problem, but one way to get a more psychoactive experience

as soon as a trichome begins to turn cloudy, it is losing its psychoactive properties

this according to ed rosenthal
What Nivek said.... I see that I think Botrytis (grey mold).

What happened to all the fan leaves?

I'd chop.
Looks like you did good with this grow so far and harvest time is right around the corner.

Yes, what about the fan leaves. The first msg says "She is looking pretty crunchy...all fan leaves brown, some of the smaller leaves starting to brown....".

Did they get taken off the fan leaves already as the first stage in harvesting? Or were they taken off because they turned brown instead of yellow?
Yellowed first then brown, I know I have "issues" with this not really sure what. part of the problem is I have not kept any records, and it is so close to harvest that I am not sure it is worth doing anything. I checked my soil PH...around 7.5-8. I think I read high PH can cause N lock out...yes/no? I am learning. It seems like my last 3 grows looked really good until flower...and then I seem to start having issues. This is my last tent grow, I will be building a grow room in the next few months...going LED, HLG Twin 350R's and a 650R in the middle for a 6x6 ish footprint. I plan to start a journal at that time and cover the whole build and 1st grow.....I need to up my game. lol
I really thank all of you for your advice...I do think I will pull it today.
Yellowed first then brown, I know I have "issues" with this not really sure what. part of the problem is I have not kept any records, and it is so close to harvest that I am not sure it is worth doing anything. I checked my soil PH...around 7.5-8. I think I read high PH can cause N lock out...yes/no? I am learning. It seems like my last 3 grows looked really good until flower...and then I seem to start having issues. This is my last tent grow, I will be building a grow room in the next few months...going LED, HLG Twin 350R's and a 650R in the middle for a 6x6 ish footprint. I plan to start a journal at that time and cover the whole build and 1st grow.....I need to up my game. lol
I really thank all of you for your advice...I do think I will pull it today.
Yep, once they enter the flower stage it is a whole new world and possibly new problems. Since you mention the same sort of thing happened twice before and the problems started at flowering it is something that can be taken care of while still in the vegetating stage.

Most of the time there is no need to worry about the pH of the soil itself plus it is a lot of work to get a true reading. In a soil mix type of grow it would take a super high soil pH to lock the N, plus a soil pH high enough to do that would lock out just about every other major and minor nutrient and mineral.

This is just something kicking around in my head but since you mention the fan leaves turned yellow and then brown and then said the problem started at flowering I am thinking that you might be having a problem with the Phosphorus uptake.

The important part is to know that the pH of the water is within the right range for the soil mix you are using.

Should be a lot of fun once you get the new room built and up & running.
You are right, I just have a cheap soil ph tester. I do however check all my water and set ph at 6.8, I guess I could use soil and distilled water and use my good meter. I am looking forward to learning about deficiencies and how to spot them....kinda scares me a little. apparently there is more to it than put under a light and add
I have been using sta green 24-8-16 for veg, feed 1 week and then tiger bloom 2-8-4 at flower every other watering.and sensi cal mag once week and foxfarm happy frog soil, cloth 5 gal pot
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