Another PH soil question help !


Well-Known Member
So i flushed my 2 girls with plain water @ 6.4ph at the tap

plant 1 runoff 5.5
plant 2 runoff 5.1

so my question is do i have to "up" my tap water so that the runoff is between 6.2 and 6.5 organic grow

any imput would be great as my head is fried with conflicting information
Well the run off is just the leached remains of what you just poured into your pot... the origanil Ph will change as its passed through your growing medium effecting end PH value of your first run off measurement.

Part due to what your compost is made off will alter end reading !

Other wise if you wish to maintain a correct run off value i would suggest pouring more nutrient laced water through your pot intill the run off becomes your desired level, this may be considored a huge waste of nutrients & may lead to over watering if done frequently with out allowing the pot to dry out a little.
Did u flush because of problems or are u at late flowering? I flushed because of problems. My runoff was 5-0 to 5-5, but after next watering it was all fine!
Thanks for the replies :)

paperclip : yes i flushed because i am having some kind of defencies most likely due to not having the correct ph levels throughout the grow, so i went out and bought a ph pen and ph up and down, and going to adjust my nutes acordingly on the next feed, and also im 3/4 weeks into flower,

fuzzyduck : thanks again for your advice, so when its time to just water with tap water should i just adjust it to between 6.2 and 6.5 ish and not worry about the runnoff.. im just trying to fix the deficiencies and hope it gets better!!
I wouldn't really worry about run off with organic nutrients & a firm believer the correct PH of the growing medium/compost is the more important factor !

I'm not sure how this run off thing occured ? its some sort of crossed wires from hydroponics being confused with soil/compost grows !

In hydroponics its the nutrient water PH level which is important as you are growing in the water itself or an inert growing medium such as perlite or hydroton clay pebbles where the run of will give some indication on whats going on... might be seen as aproate method for hempy buckets.

As you are so late into flowering defs do occur, this is part of life cycle of the plant to some extent as the plant will use stored nutrients in the fan/shade leafs to help complete its end of life goal = bud :thumb:

It may mean it needs a touch more nutrients also... don't expect instant fix with organics tho as it may take several days to take effect.

I must admitt its pretty hard to achieve a lush green bush all the way through its growing period in soil/compost coupled with organic nutrients !

I've seen the odd hydroponic grow maintain good health all the way once in awhile tho.
Thanks man, possibly. Lol maybe too much information is bad information in my case and will leave the Google pages alone for awhile and just sit back and try to enjoy the ride + Rep for you and paperclip, peace :)
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