Anyone ever have respiratory problems?


New Member
anyone ever have respiratory problems from smoking weed? i think im starting to feel some pain in my right lung when i take deep breathes. anyone else feel that or anything? it could be from anything. dont get me wrong, im not anti-weed.
Nah, but I'm just a weekend toker, and I stay in shape, kinda....
Not really. I used to get extremly short of breath back when I smoked ciggarettes, but not with weed.
i smoked many ciggarettes in elemtry and middle school. it did have affect on my lungs. a bit shorter breathe. fuck those things.
it's getting to be allergy, flu, season. probably just take it easy on the hot smoke hits and it'll get better. however if it gets where you feel pain, like a weight on your chest see a doctor man, it may be an infection..
yeah i have lung problems cuz i somoked to much crystal meth, and i smoke cigarettes too. i have had a smokers cough for years and years. i find it suprising that my lungs still work to this day.
lol no i dont have lung problems but i dont know i dont really run so i dont know if short breath but i had athsma when i was younger cleared right up with weed
I also have asthma. Maybe get that checked out. I had an asthma attack when I hot knifed a hoot of oil, not my cup of tea.
Anyones heart ever start racing and you feel like its going to jump out of your chest. I hate that so much especially when I am wayyy stoned because it makes me think I am dying or something.
stoned_offshore said:
Anyones heart ever start racing and you feel like its going to jump out of your chest. I hate that so much especially when I am wayyy stoned because it makes me think I am dying or something.

smoking herb increases your heart rate - nothing unusual nothing to worry about.... unless it starts getting wildly out of control

Smoking is dangerous to your lungs, the lighters we use are danderous to our lungs.

[B]DON'T SMOKE POT.. EAT IT! (half a brownie a day keeps reality away..)
I've was diagnosed with asthma at age 10.

And I'm allergic to EVERYTHING!! (animals, plants, moulds, etc)

but I've never had any serious problems caused by smoking weed. Running long distances hurts me more than any massive bong hit ever has. But I've also tried to keep my lungs in as best of shape as I can.
Ive had asthma all my life, never smoked cigs but lots of pot. My lungs seem to be fine even with the asthma, cigs are really the only thing that have do major dammage over long time use on your lungs, weed is minor and nothing that will affect your life expectancy.
Mr. High, be careful mate, smoke is smoke, my doc recommeded I just smoke a little bowl in the am and start eating edibles. They take an hour to kick in on empty stomach. By 9-10 am I'm blissing till 1,2,3 pm! Doesn't that sound a lot easier than smoking and coughing all day?
yes it does pinch yes it does. smoke is bad for you because it has carban monoxide and other by products from burning. also it is very hot and this heat is damaging to the lung and throat tissue. you can be healther by filtering through water in a bong or vaiporising it. also smoking/ eating hash or eating brownies and other stuff. but smoking is by far the most common and easy ways. i smoke for that reason. i can often not make a ride to the clubs so i have to get what is near me which is not bad at all. but i smoke it because its easy but i would rather vaiporise or eat edibles
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