Anyone from 2-3 years ago


New Member
Remember me?
:p its been awhile since i flooded the picture forum with fancy screen's of my exstensive pipe collection, but there has to be someone from 2003 that i chatted with still around ;p

(420calgarygirl you still there <3 <3 <3)

anyway if i am NOT (highly likely) remembered.. that just means i gotta start again!

hey whats up man, welcome back
Smoke cheeba, smoke cheeba cheeba cheeba.
lol... also take into consideration the crowd whom which you are asking.

Sometimes i can't remember people i've met 2 or 3 days ago, nonetheless 2 or 3 years!

welcome back! irie!
Wait a minute, I remember you now! You stole my bread basket! Give it back you monster!!
thank you thank you! i look forward to imposing my views and opinions on everyone that asks (and a few who dont :p

i swear sometimes it can be useful stuff!
i remember your name but i never really talked back then. but i look forward to talkin to you. someone named physcho has gotta be cool
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