apartment grow room

1. Go Hempy 3.25 gal black buckets with overflow drain saucers (for when you drill the holes in the buckets). This is easy, effective and relatively carefree, and these buckets can be moved around even with pretty big plants in them. Just do it BEFORE feeding/watering.

2. LED lights. You're already looking that direction, so good. They will make temp control easier and might even be able to avoid venting out.

You could do 2 plants in the spare room's closet, but would likely still need to vent into the room from there. As far as tutorials go, I would get everything you'll need BEFORE popping any seeds. Here are some basics:

pH pen (see TDS pens comment below)
TDS pen (you don't need the best, but don't skimp on these pens. you can get each for about $70 each)
graduated syringe or eye dropper. (I prefer the syringe as it's larger diameter and can dispense 10ML where the dropper can only do 1.5ML or so).
A few buckets with drain pans
Perlite/vermiculite (original hempy suggested 3:1 ratio, I prefer 4:1 and mix 80/20). Both of these items can be gotten at Lowe's, HD or wally world.
Nutrients - Simple 2 part or 3 part...K.I.S.S.
A 1 gal pitcher (1.5 gal would have been better for two plants, but I still use my 1 gal)
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