Arctic's Secret


New Member

the secret of the safest and the most potent trichomes u'll ever smoke.:ganjamon: First. u want the best weed with static trichomes, grapefruit kushIE is preferred(B.C.Grown), or any other cannabis with static trichomes. use a blender with RUBBER on top or something that can catch the static trichomes. sometimes u need a lot of buds to collect at least 5 grams of positively charged trichomes. just blend the buds like u would to make a joint, not too much blended cannabis buds is preferred or the smoke won't be as potent. most times, 4-5 oz's of buds will make enuf static trichomes, on top of that rubber or static collecting cover. just takes patients, and a warning: noobies should'nt take this static trichomes, even a wooden toothpick sized joint is enuf for 8 people, or more. some veterans can put it in a pipe.
What is a static trichome? How would these trichomes be different from trichomes harvested via other methods, like bubble bags?
What is a static trichome? How would these trichomes be different from trichomes harvested via other methods, like bubble bags?

I am unfamiliar with the bubble bag method, so i cant contrast the two methods, however, i would imagine the static trichs method works is when grinding (by the metal blades) the combination of friction and conduction (the movement of elections) would allow electrons (negative particles) to travel onto the trichs and bud, causing them to have a negative charge. Then if you combine that with a positively charged object / screen, such as rubber, the negatively charged trichs will go to the rubber and stick to it, like how when you statically charge a balloon and it sticks to a wall. The trichs stick to the rubber because it is not conductive, so the negative charge does not get off the trichs, but stays on while the rubber stays positively charged, allowing them to attract each other with out them equaling out in charge, thus becoming relatively neutral.

so this is balloon and wall, but works the same way:
-\ |+
- ) |+
-/ |+

Here the balloon has negative charge which STAYS on the balloon, and wall has positive charge which STAYS on wall.

instead of

+\ |+
- ) | -
+/ |+

If the rubber was conductive, the charges would go to the other side and both objects would be the same charge, thus no attraction, and the trichs (or balloon in my picture) would just fall.

But since the charges don't travel like in picture 1, they stay on each side, attracting the objects they are on to each other.

I also might be way fucking off. :ganjamon:
very well explained, flank, ty. some buds, usually grapefruit kush, will be easiest to collect charged trichomes. i haven't seen other strains do that, or i just haven't smoked enuf strains to find out which ones are easy to collect.
FreakNature.......the difference is that u don't have to MIX with anything!!!!!!!!!esp water!!!static trichomes will knock you out, and cry for your mommy. Heck, it's stronger than bubbleking budder. now who holds the strongest smoke in the world? ah me taken from bubbleking himself. i'm glad u lasted for awhile with the most potent smoke, until now.
the best method of enjoying your smoke is not to add anything, just pure static trichomes. nothings more pure than that. don't talk about bubble bags, extractions, or concentrates. static trichomes are the most potent, u can ever smoke in your lifetime.
check the history of grapefruit kush, it's very interesting. can't wait to read the stories of elephant bud, jedi bud, white queen, love buzz bud, and europhia buds, how they came to be.
dry the buds and put them in a baggie, is the second way to find out if strains have static trichomes. the first way is the first message in the first post.
the only problem i have is to make every trichome static. if someone out there who can, bless you, for finding my holy grail to make them all static.
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