Arduino based room controller

I have all of that except for a case. I do have a 75W FREEKIN LASER BEAM (Sorry little Dr. Evil there) that can cut acrylic. The case they sold on the site was acrylic so I figure I will make a custom one when I am done.

I got all my stuff and started playing around. Has anyone seen the founder of Adafruit? Thin, European nerd-babe that has a degree from MIT, gotta love me some nerdy entrepreneurial women.

Back to the topic... I plan to start experimenting with the sensors ASAP, I already wish I had purchased and XBee shield and an adapter for the computer. Can you send programing over those? Even if you cant it would be nice to have the serial monitor be wireless.
Back to the topic... I plan to start experimenting with the sensors ASAP, I already wish I had purchased and XBee shield and an adapter for the computer. Can you send programing over those? Even if you cant it would be nice to have the serial monitor be wireless.

You can wirelessly communicate with the Arduino. XBee's depends on which one you have. I had originally tried to use a cheap transceiver, but yesterday received my two Wixel's from Pololu. Cheap $20 transcievers with USB and their own micro-controller. I'll use them first as wireless serial ports.

Do I need to burn a bootloader because I bought that upgrade chip?

The chip should be already burned in. Replace the boot loader rom on the board with that one, and you should be ready to go.

So for some reason I had to select a different board type, the second one down.. dunno why but it works.

The Arduino IDE must be set to the proper board type. Which board do you have? I have a 168 Seeedo, 328 Arduino UNO, and a ITLead Studio Mega clone, and 2 Arduino Micro's.

Good luck...
If you got the UNO from adafruit, it should be ready to run, you don't need the upgrade chip--that is if you have an older arduino (168 vs 328). You will be able to use the chip to make your own arduino clone (google freeduino) I just ordered some stuff from modern device to play with. SSRs from China came recently. I need to go fab a couple of relay boards.....I used a higher COM port number w/ no issues.
Check the forum, I believe I read some notes somewhere if you have problems loading. Are you using mac or windows? I have both, but win seems easier to use.
Nice work OG13, Maer, Prarie - all you guys -

Just have to say, I'm in the wings sucking this all up so that I can utilize this info down the road. Loving it. That Arduino is really cool, and I can't wait 'til I can get my hands on my own. :bravo:
Here is what my set up looks like now:


I need to figure out how to combine these sample bits of code in to one program...
That's where a little programming experience comes in handy....I took Fortran in 85' and picked up a C book recently to help w/ the differences. Study my code at Github, the temp humidity code for the DHTs will work for you, just need to do two calls to cover the two sensors. I'm about to start piecing code together. Basically you do an initialize, include libraries, define all variables, integers, etc. Then you do the void setup section which usually contains subroutines (outside of the main loop). Then you go to the void loop section--the main program. It took me a while to get used to the parens/when and where to use. Also some of the logic seems different from Fortran. For example = does not equal ==...... The best way to go Maer is to get one sensor running, then do the second one independently, then combine the two. Add the appropriate pieces of code to the proper place in the program. Oh yeah, the sensiron code.....adafruit will always provide the library or sketch you need to run any of their components on the product page..... Next get the One wire digital temp sensors running, you will appreciate how useful they can be. Then piece it all together.
I have the 2 DHTs running now, I am now trying to add in the sensirion sensor. Then I am going to move on to the last two sensor types (waterproof temp and distance). Then I will do the programming for all 5 of those sensors, then I will order the pH and TDS stamps / probes, then once those work he CO2 sensor...
I got my adrino with 2 temp sensors and 3 optical isolated relays.

I can't wait to see how you get this all together. I would rather build my own controller then spend lots of cash for multiple stand alone systems.

I will be waiting for more postes. :)
I took F90 fortran. I understand most of what is going on but like you said the parens take some getting used to. There was this program... supertext I think that colors parens in pairs so you can tell if you have the correct amount in the correct spot.. have to find that again.

1 wire sensors? I dunno what that is but I have libs for each kind of sensor I have now. I need to work on combining code, then logic, then reporting. Which means mysql probably.
I am using solid core 24gauge telephone cable to extend my sensor length. I plan to solder then heat shrink the connections, then maybe some silicone tape over that. This way I can use RJ11 connectors and jacks for all my sensors. This will make a nice clean finished look to the box, and a nice secure connection for the sensors. I thought about coax, but with 4 conductors I can have power, ground, data, and a spare. I could also use 4 pair solid (and RJ45 connectors), but I don't have any on hand.
It is called jedit and it highlights the sets of brackets, very useful. I need a spot to post things that is free and anonymous, any ideas?

If you click your cursor near the paren(to the right it think), it will highlight the partner.
It is called jedit and it highlights the sets of brackets, very useful. I need a spot to post things that is free and anonymous, any ideas?

I've used easy share, which is now crocko tec
Just got bought the last day or so......need to log into the new "company" to see if my stuff is still there.
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