Artificial Moonlighting?


New Member
I have seen a few LED setups with 'sunrise/sunset' and 'moonlighting' as an option. Would a small amount of light, simulating the natural moonlighting, hurt or help a flowering room? Seems like if it happens in nature, simulating it should have positive effects? What about a gradual sunrise/sunset effect to the LEDs? Any effect to simulating nature and having a sunrise/sunset effect on the lighting?

someone once said "mother nature is a cruel mistress".mother nature is the source of: droughts,floods,freezes,hurricanes,tornadoes even meteor blast none of which are good for your plants or you. Growing indoors isn't about recreating natural conditions it's about giving it best conditions. your typical lighting schedule isn't as gradual or deal with any cloudy/rainydays and there no hydro in nature either. why? better production the moon is only bright less then half the month and then add a few cloudy nights it's less then that. The plant needs the night to build certain light sensitive chemicals/hormones at this time it prefers no light to do so,also light during night is a known cause for hermies. I cant see adding any light at that time to be any benefit.
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