Best method to clean sticky tools?


New Member
I've started my harvest and got most of the way through the first plant trimming off the larger leaves. My trimmers are so sticky I can barely get them open. Is there a particular solvent that works best to get this stuff off of my tools?

Get yourself a new utility razor blade and just swipe up the sticky goo from your tools. That way you can ball it up and smoke it instead of throwing it away.
Get yourself a new utility razor blade and just swipe up the sticky goo from your tools. That way you can ball it up and smoke it instead of throwing it away.

The amount left on the blades isn't worth putting the effort in. I scrape any big bits or gobs of stuff that stuck together into a shot glass to be mixed with the hash I'm going to get from the sugar leaf, but I just wanted to get rid of the sticky. Turns out a vegetable oil soak for about 30 minutes and a quick wipe down does the trick. Plus it keeps away rust and makes it harder for the next round of goo to stick to it.

Don't worry, I'm not wasting anything.. :thumb:
It's all good. What kind of alcohol do you use? Once my still is up and running, I plan on using only ethanol, on account of it's known lack of toxicity! I have doubts that iso or pharmacy stuff doesn't leave residues behind in the oil.
Acetone, which means nail polish. Works perfect for resin if you don't want to smoke it :)
I've been using vegetable oil. It makes the most sense given that it also lubricates the snippers at the same time it's loosening the resin.

Acetone (nail polish remover) I'm sure would work, but there would be residue that would likely get into the bud while you're snipping. Rubbing alcohol would evaporate, but I still like the idea of the vegetable oil.

Thanks for the input everyone.
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