Big Bud/Setup/Cycle


New Member
Ok Im growing 56 big buds from seeds right now they are under a 1000 watt light 24/0 they are like 4 weeks since I germ. them they are like 4 inches tall I will veg them for 1 month. And then flower them under 4 1000 watt lights

This is my plan I have two rooms one flower and one veg. After this grow I will be cloning the plants and having a harvest every 2 months. So the plants in veg will have 2 months vegging every time i put them to flower. I will also be growing them in custom aeroponics systems in both rooms I was thinking I could harvest at least 10 lbs of bud every 2 months with this setup and cycle What do u guys think.

And has anyone here grown big bud Any info would be great so I know what to expect with the plants :thanks:
I have never grown BB myself, but From what I have read if you are providing the right conditions which it sounds like you are, with 2 months veg time on 56 plants I don't see why that wouldn't be an obtainable number.
What Sq footage are your rooms?
Will you be using C02 in the flower room?
That 150$ regulator investment will make that BB live up to its name! :cheer::popcorn:
The flower room is 11x12 with 8' ceilings and the veg room is 10x8 with 8' ceilings as well and not this next grow but will be adding co2 to the flower room from then on
If I figured it correctly, that is a little less than 3 oz per plant. That is definitely obtainable, I have gotten 5 oz from 1 BB x trainwreck, but getting 10 lbs from 4 thousand watt lights in a 10x10!!! That would be incredible! I haven't been able to get those results, or even seen anyone who has come close. If you put 8 thousands in there you may be able to get it, but 10 lbs in a space that small would be really really tight.

I have worked in a 12x12 room that had 2 4x8 flood tables and 2 thousand watts over each table. The most I have ever seen taken from that is 6 lbs. 5 lbs is normal, but 10 lbs is wishing for too much.
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