Black Indica Grow - Bathtub Setup


New Member
Hey guys. Back for round 2. Long story short, I started my first grow a few weeks back and failed miserably. I still have one seedling that is slowly making a recovery (hoping for the best). Just germed a couple more seeds and going to throw them under my new setup. First grow was a horrible attempt at hydroponics; but hey, you learn from mistakes. Thought I would try a soil grow. Almost considered filling my entire bathtub full of dirt and planting 4-5 plants haha. But the wife would kill me.. Anyways here a few pics of my setup and of my seedling fighting for a new life. Have 6 lights total. 4X 26 W 6500K + 2X 23 W 5000K

A bit of nute burn on the one seedling i have there. You pals think she'll come back?

Growing black indica from crop kings. High as shit right now. Just thought i'd share that :bravo: (writing this was a mission) BLESS





Aceofhearts welcome to the :420: grow room man! Well one of the fights in the battle has been won! Ya got a living plant there friend. It looks like it will recover just fine. Take it easy on the water for a couple weeks. And if that tape is covering the drainage holes in the bottom of your pot you are gonna want to take that off. The soil cant stay wet all the time. It has to go thru drench to dry periods to effectively establish a strong root structure. And try to stay away from nutes for a little bit too. Just give her a few ounces of r/o or distilled water every other day or so. (unless the pot seems really light) r/o or distilled just incase you dont know the Ph of your tap water or how high the chlorine level is. But by all means you are indeed off to a good start! :thumb:
Aceofhearts welcome to the :420: grow room man! Well one of the fights in the battle has been won! Ya got a living plant there friend. It looks like it will recover just fine. Take it easy on the water for a couple weeks. And if that tape is covering the drainage holes in the bottom of your pot you are gonna want to take that off. The soil cant stay wet all the time. It has to go thru drench to dry periods to effectively establish a strong root structure. And try to stay away from nutes for a little bit too. Just give her a few ounces of r/o or distilled water every other day or so. (unless the pot seems really light) r/o or distilled just incase you dont know the Ph of your tap water or how high the chlorine level is. But by all means you are indeed off to a good start! :thumb:

Thanks for the reply! I just took the tape off the bottom. Let her dry out a bit and get some root expansion hopefully. I'll post some pics later tonight when I get home from work.
Couple days later. She looks like she's liking her new home and has recovered quite well. All new growth looks healthy. Will probably veg for an extra week or two to make up for the week of stunted growth.

So I tried topping a couple days ago and I'm pretty sure I ended up FIMming instead.. Not complaining though because I think there's 3, possibly 4, new growths coming in.
Heres some pics.



Started a little LST, 4 new tops forming. I also topped yesterday and another 2 new heads are coming in. Don't mind the nute burn, I did a newbie mistake and fed it nutes before it was 2 weeks old and as a result the lower fan leaves are a little burnt. All the new growth looks happy and healthy though.




New leaves look great!

Thanks mate!

Being it's my first grow, I was wondering when the best time to switch to flowering would be. I've read a lot on it and there's so many different opinions. I was wondering if there is a general rule of thumb for when to switch. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I'm hoping to get at least half an O or more from this grow. Fingers crossed.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hey guys, sorry for the delayed update. Been really busy with school. But here we are, beginning of week 4 into flowering, this thing is going to be a F**king monster. Look at all those cola sites. The smell is amazing, slightly skunky with a piney finish. Nice dark leaves, looking nice and healthy. Been fertilizing in small amounts every second water and it seems to be doing pretty well on that. Switched to 2700K bulbs for flowering 11 on 13 off. Buds should be ready im guessing in about 3-4 weeks (this strain tends to flower pretty quick. Anyways enough rambling heres some pics. Enjoy!







Just wondering when I should flush? and how it's done. I know I could easily search the boards but if someones willing to explain their technique on here, it would be appreciated.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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