Boocoo’s Ghetto Grow Redux

Back to the lights now.

I’m enamored with these cheap LED’s. They check all my boxes; cheap,efficient, effective and did I mention CHEAP!! If you’re a frugal shopper you can occasionally find them for as little as a buck a pop. Generally always available in quantities for under $2. Sockets also run $1-2. I’d stick with at least 60w equivalents, 100w better if cost effective.

This was a Rube Goldberg rig I scrapped together. I had an electrical cord with 12 sockets that I used. With the use of the “y” adapters I had a total of 20 bulbs. Since the beam of SIL’s is oriented straight down, I don’t advise the “y” adapters.

Here’s some better looking options I borrowed from another site:

It’s imperative you remove the diffusers from the bulbs. It increases the intensity by al least 50% and still gives better than 90 degree effective deflection span. Removing them can be challenging. I cut mine off with a hacksaw. Some hit the dome with a hammer a couple of times. Someone drilled a hole and used needle nose pliers to peel it away. The diffuser is glued to the base. Some have heated it up and popped them off. Be careful.

I did some intensity comparisons. With the diffuser removed I got a measurement of 2000 lux at 9”. With a 60w LED flood I’m using on this grow, I got 20,000 lux at the same distance while the 150w HPS measured 27,000 lux.

I used that 20 bulb rig for my last grow. I failed to remove the diffusers from most of the bulbs because I knew this was temporary and the bulbs would eventually wind up in fixtures in the house. I still had good results with one plant reaching 4’ high. The one problem I did encounter was reluctance to flower. I used 12/12 light regimen from seed and thought they would never flower. Took better than 6 weeks. I used 5000k light spectrum and wonder if that was the reason. There are some members on another forum have been running some trials for about 4 years and many prefer the 5000-5600k from start to finish. They claim while the nugs are a bit smaller they are much frostier.

Now for you non-DIYers, here’s a good alternative:

This is what I’m presently using and have been happy with the results. I’m not going to make an absolute determination until the end of the grow, but this may be my happy place as far as lighting goes. I got these two lights from Jeff Bezos online hardware store for only $34 for the pair. With actual 60w and 20000 lux for just $17, it’s hard to beat the cost effectiveness. I think one per plant will be a good option. And they’re ready to rock and roll.

Google “Blynx SIL”. They’ve been working with SIL’s for about 4 years now. These guys have had some super results from these cheap little bulbs. Lots of good info if you’re interested. Well worth a visit to their site.
Well boys and girls, the silence has become deafening and I’m getting the message loud and clear. I’ve obviously failed in my attempt to present an interesting journal so color this one closed!!!
Hey, DD. The experiment worked well but I moved on to other trials. I still think the the pair is a very viable option for a single plant with a budget light. Don’t remember the resulting weight if this grow but I do recall it was well over a gram per wall watt.

I went back to an octopus socket with 7) 10.5w SIL’s. The initial cost was slightly less and the wattage was a bit higher. One setup per light reaped equally good results.

My next trial was an attempt to establish a perpetual garden using a single grow box. Started plants under the 7) SIL setup using 12/12 light schedule from seed for the first 6 weeks and then transitioned to a vertical grow configuration using some 4’ led tubes. The results were simply amazing!! Google “tribulations of an absentee gardener” and you’ll find an in-depth tutorial on the setup with an automated swick system.

Thanx for your interest.

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