Bottom leaves dying working their way up!


New Member
Hey guys , I’m new to growing...everything was going well for a while until I started noticing the bottom leaves turning brownish/dark green and they are working their way up the plant. The top of the plant is doing ok but the leaves twist every once and a while. Anybody know what this is?...while other threads spoke about the same problem I have yet to see pictures of the same problem I’m having...The nods where the leaves are Having the issue are still growing smaller branches so it’s not that the plant is getting rid of the unnecessary leaves...please help


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Not sure the strain because the person who gave me the seed said it was a indica strain but this is clearly a sativa just by how tall it’s getting. It’s been a month and a half maybe 2 and it’s already almost 4 feet tall. I mixed outdoor soil with Jiffy’s organic seedling soil. The light I use is a really small veg grow light with extremely low wattage , I give it water from the sink every other day and I was feeding it organice vegetable grow liquid form 5-2-2 every 4-5 days.
Hey GeoC1234

That’s not a sativa, it’s an indica. The plant is very tall but doesn’t have much foliage, the plant is stretching to get more light but more light never arrived so it kept on stretching.

Some nutrients are mobile, others are not. Your plant is not getting the resources it needs from soil sun or water - so it’s stealing from the bottom leaves.

Yard soil or outdoor soil needs a lot of modification to become suitable for our crop. It’s too dense and does not have minerals and nutrients in the proper ratios. There is no drainage or aeration visible in your soil mix. Most folks here use something like a potting soil mix but designed specifically for growing cannabis, it’s why their plants are lush. There are other methods to grow like coco, dwc, hydro etc. Your watering tech is all wrong, it does not just rain every other day across the surface of the earth to produce the worlds food supply. Some days it rains, many days it doesn’t - yet our crops grow on. Please follow link to Emilya’s article on proper watering.

How to water a potted plant

As it stands now that plant could grow for another 6 months and never produce a single bud. I’m not trying to discourage you, I’m just being realistic. A small veg light with really low wattage is only good for a small seedling.

Better soil, better lighting, better watering tech are a start.

Hopefully your next plant will do much better!
So how do I prevent this plant from dying without buying new soil? I just added a second bulb but there’s nothing at this point in time I can do anything about regarding the soil....all I got from the article was to water slower and within a larger amount of time(instead of pour a bucket all in 5 minutes do it within a hour or hours) and water less days out of the week than I was normally doing. Am I still not gunna be able to produce a single bud even if I skip the vegetative stage? The reason I am trying to do everything so fast is I have to go back to college at the end of august and want to harvest at least a Quarter ounce...this is not possible even if the bottom leaves are dying?
No need to change soil right now, doing so would stall the plant out. Biggest issue is not enough light.
What kind of light? CFL maybe - how many watts? I hear led growers use 40 watts psf as a guide.

Most here are using big honking lights for a reason, they want to grow big honking buds.

Growing weed is not as simple as dropping a seed, big investment in reading goes a long way

Hopefully more people will drop in soon with advice & info.

Gotta roll out for bit be back later, don’t give up, regroup then divide & conquer
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