Brand 'strain' Names


New Member
For people who dont live in areas where marijuana is a legal trade how often do you feel you can properly identify brand name strains?

I'm collecting different types of really good weed saving up for that holiday in april. So far I have 6 types ... G13, Blueberry, KaliMist, Pot Of Gold, Old Fashioned, AK47. I have no idea if any of them (cept the blueberry) are legit.

There is so much veriation in grow environments. I imagine that in legal areas like the Netherlands that the grow operations are properly trading clones and keeping each other in check with bud characteristics... some sort of certification.
welcome.. im from nashville, tn.. i get those kinds plus sour diesel, mazar, blue dot, master kush, pineapple express, and more!
right after posting on this site i realized maybe it was a bad idea to talk so much about the bud i get and where i'm from on the internet.

oh well i'm glad. six-one-five is more like four-two-oh
Where im from, the biggest name lately has been "Hempstar", everyone seems to have it. Ive been looking for some kush since i have never had any real experience with any kush strain...

Thats a nice collection you got going on there, have fun on the break!
it sucks where i'm from, thus why i decided to grow professional strains. people make up names to sell the stuff, and it's hardly ever legit
in the area of ny that i live in, when you hear somebody try to sell you something and they have a name for it, then you can pretty much guarantee its just some bullshit they heard or made up. i've heard people tell me i have blueberry, diesel, ak-47, kush, purple etc. one kid even put blueberry scented candles with his stash to make it smell like blueberry. most often sellers will just say they have "headies", which just means better than your average beaster or outdoor and $10 more a g. the only strand that i think i can identify is AK, if im right it has a fruity pebble type smell/taste to it?
I'd think an experienced smoker could tell whether a bud was indica or sativa dominant or some hybrid

I don't think anyone could actually identify to the specific name or phenotype
in the area of ny that i live in, when you hear somebody try to sell you something and they have a name for it, then you can pretty much guarantee its just some bullshit they heard or made up.

Sounds like new york to me. lol

..But then again sounds like almost anywhere you go..

As long as your happy with your stash, I would say that's all that matters?
:peace: :bong:
I'd think an experienced smoker could tell whether a bud was indica or sativa dominant or some hybrid

I don't think anyone could actually identify to the specific name or phenotype

I beg to differ, its actually quite common around here for people to know their bud that well.
maybe the best you could do is think of what the bud might be or use the given name as a start, then check different seedbanks or sites and read about the taste, smell, look, effect... and form your own opinion... sometimes you can be pretty close

i do it all the time to double check strains when i buy, sofar my grocers have been pretty honest
ugh why cant I find shit like this?? I can get headies but its just some decent bud...what is with philly? I never see any of the philly guys talk about what strain they have but "headies" or "mids" which is just dirt to most of u
i wish weed was catagorized and regulated so we know what strain we're buying.... oh wait, that's called legalization, now i remember!
The same strain can grow many different ways,(indoor, outdoor, hydro, soil, organic, chem, hid lights, cfl lights,...) how good it is depends on if conditions are optimal.
i believe many strains can be identified through taste , smell, and appearance.... but then again we have such a variety so much competition that most of the time your getting just that... a couple of strains i find very distinctive are snow cap and catt piss...
OG kush is awesome. smokes kinda spicy and snaps.but so right.

i thought there was tons of pot coming out of philly?
if bud "snaps" when you smoke, its usually becuase it was not flushed at the end long enough, and there are nutrients inside are burning.

if bud "snaps" when you smoke, its usually becuase it was not flushed at the end long enough, and there are nutrients inside are burning.


huh... didn't know that
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