Broken a main at the trunk, manifolding


Well-Known Member

I've broken a main stem at the trunk and I'm wondering whether it's likely to heal or I should just cut it off... I don't really want to lose half my plant but I feel like if it's not likely to make it then I should just cut it now and let the plant put all its energy into the other side.

I'm 'manifolding' these plants, it's my first time but it's similar to a pruning technique I've used before so it's the one I'm most comfortable with. It involves a fair bit of cutting and bending to create the shape (kinda like bonsai!) so over the next few weeks this stem is going to cop a bit of a flogging. I've got it braced right now but I'm not sure it's helping, in the photos you can see there's a fresh bit in the break (the brighter green bit) and it's leaking water.



Do you think that's recoverable or should I just take that side off?


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I've been trying that since I did it but I have the new end tied down and I think while the plant is reaching for the light it's putting pressure on the broken bit, each day it looks a little worse and there's a fresh green tear at the bottom of it. I can't untie it completely though or it'll stuff up the shape so I'm kind of stuck :/

Have you seen a break that bad repair itself before? If I saw that on my veggie plants I'd just rip it straight off but this isn't just a veggie plant lol
Hrm ok I'll give it a go and see what happens. I'm going to do the second round of topping tonight to take the plant from 2 mains to 4 mains, so once I clear a bit of the growth I should be able to get a bit closer and brace it better.

Fingers crossed it works :)
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