Buds drying too fast Help!


New Member
Just cut down 10 Himalayn Gold plants and they look awesome. Trimmed them up and hung them in a dark closet. Put a fan on low in the room to keep the air moving around and I came back the next morning and most of the buds seemed too dry and crunchy.
I kind of freeked out because i didnt think they could handle being any more dry.
I cut the buds off into 12 mason jars. I am burping them now. A few hours open and a few closed.
Any suggestions beyond that??
They seem to still be a bit dry but not as bad as in the closet. Have I messed up my harvest or what??

What is the RH of the drying area?

What is the ambient temp?

I would turn off the fan and even add a water mister if it is really that dry -- it should take about a week or so at 70 degrees if the RH is 50%. If it is too dry, they will dry very fast and that will not be fun.

Drying that fast, overnight, will really lock in the chlorophyll, which will leave a minty taste that will be hard to remove.

Slow drying is the best, keep with the jars but look out for mold!

You have not ruined the crop, it just will not taste quite as good as it could have, not the end of the world.

But do watch the mold, that will ruin the crop! :)


I have heard of some folks using an orange peel inside of yoru burping jars to help the buds retain a little moisture in order to cure longer. I dont know if this trick holds any weight as I have never done it. Maybe someone who has will chime in.

Good Luck!

Ooooh, no fruit! :) Sorry.. Keep burping them.. Do you have any wet stems still?

If you do throw some in the jars with them, but give it a bit of time to balance out with the thicker buds. I've had this happen, and pulled it back from ruination, that way.

Carrots, apples, peels, bread, etc all can mold in less then 12 hours depending on your temps, so keep a super close eye on them.
Thanks guys. I think they are going to be ok. Its been a few days now and the inside of the buds must have enough water in them to balance it all out. Thank GOD! There was a huge chloryaphil smell the first few days and now I that is cut in half and I can smell the pinyness of the plant again so I think I am out of the woods.
They have also gone from super green to a more natural color and the brown hairs are all over the buds. They look great.
Now Himalayan Gold does not have that much resin like a white widow, so there are not white crystals everywhere but they do look good.
I topped them in veg and I am glad I did. When I trimmed them up and put them in jars I was happy that there was so many huge sized buds instead of just one big Kola.
Being a first time grower, I feel as if I learn something new everyday from the trichome decisions to trimming first time, to realizing a harvest you worked so hard on. It is a bit anti climatic but when its all cured and stored, it will be worth never having to go buy any again.
I had to add a humidifier to my room during the drying phase - it had reached 24% RH after two days and that just wasn't cutting it. Now it's a steady 52% - temp at 68 degrees and life is good. I put too much work into this grow to have it ruined.
I was certainly glad that I purchased a humidifier for my first grow as it was essential during the late stage flowering and especially for drying.

I really like the Vick's Cool Mist Humidifier - the model I use holds up to 1.5 gallons and will run for 24 hours. I use the distilled water plus an extra filter in the water tank. It's great.

*Chazmania receives no monetary consideration or gifts of any kind for recommending Vick's products :cheesygrinsmiley:
Are you guy's talking about Dehumidifiers? I live in the Redwoods north of SF and battle mold with dehumidifiers. Are you trying to increase humidity? Just goes to show how many ways we must learn to care for our little girls! I ran a dehumidifier in my drying room and couldn't get down to 50% rh. STILL over dryed. No wet stems left. Can I re-wet the dry stems and use them? Are apples the best fruit if you have to go that way? :thanks:
From my experience, I would say you shouldn't have the fan on as much. A serious solution to it would be to deal them in a garbage bag for about an hour in a hot place, they'll sweat and the moisture will return to the outside, then hang them back up. And only keep the fan on for an hour or two at a time.
With a humidifier I barely got to 50-60% RH, without lights, in my grow box during drying, with lights I'm lucky to get to 30% RH. Boveda 62% Humidipaks would be ideal to get your over dried bud back to proper moisture content.

Thanks ColoradoHigh! Do you know where to get Boveda 62% Humidipaks?

Just found them on Amazon.
Much thanks ColoradoHigh.
With a humidifier I barely got to 50-60% RH, without lights, in my grow box during drying, with lights I'm lucky to get to 30% RH. Boveda 62% Humidipaks would be ideal to get your over dried bud back to proper moisture content.

at one point during the early stage of flowering the RH in my grow room fell to 16% - i too struggled with keeping the humidity in the optimal range. At that time I was using an older smaller model which was woefully inadequate based on the size of my grow room. I think the key is purchasing the right sized humidifier for your room size.

insofar as mold and mildew is concerned there are no problems. I clean the humidifier 2x per week and use two cartridges - one for air and one for water. A vinegar/water solution and a damp cloth work wonders.
Just cut down 10 Himalayn Gold plants and they look awesome. Trimmed them up and hung them in a dark closet. Put a fan on low in the room to keep the air moving around and I came back the next morning and most of the buds seemed too dry and crunchy.
I kind of freeked out because i didnt think they could handle being any more dry.
I cut the buds off into 12 mason jars. I am burping them now. A few hours open and a few closed.
Any suggestions beyond that??
They seem to still be a bit dry but not as bad as in the closet. Have I messed up my harvest or what??
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