Buds starts shooting new calyxes


New Member
Hey all.
With allot of reading and allot of work, I'm currently nearing the end of my first ever grow.
However, strange things I yet do not understand is going on.

I have 3 White Widows from White Label in a 60x60x140 cm tent, under a 250w CFL, growing in soil with Bio Buzz nutes. Temps are between 27 and 29 celsius during lighttime, and around 21 at night. Humidity is around 40-50%.

They're currently in week 8 of 12/12, and probably in week 7 of flower.

The thing is, one of them started to create new calyxes on it's cola about a week ago. I have a second one doing almost the same now. The last one doesn't do this though, it just stands there and ripens. I'm not sure why this is happening, and I have read that it might be heat, or lightleak. However, there is no lightleak in there, and well the heat never gets above 30.

So I don't know, is this normal? Will this delay harvest? Also, should I take down the one that doesn't do this before the two others? The new hairs are really confusing me :) Please help :love:


Edit: Sorry for the huge pictures :/
:welcome: to :420:

They are foxtailing, due mostly to excess heat late in flowering, which is mostly a cosmetic issue rather than one that will affect yield or potency. You can just let it go if you want or you can snip of the tip of the cola that should slowdown or even stop the foxtailing while allowing the cola to fill out and ripen more.
Allright thanks, I have read about foxtailing, and was wondering if this was it :)
If I were to snip the tip of the cola, how would I do so? Just the upper part? And how much should I snip off to make it stop? Thanks allot :)
That sounds rather scary tbh :) I don't wanna mess up this late in my first grow. Well, I guess it's that, or add a few more weeks, yes?
May I suggest you snip the one that started fox tailing first, this would give you some practice in doing so and allow you to see the effects of it, but do not snip the second one so you can see the difference. Or maybe just snip a couple of colas off each plant, you have a great opportunity to learn form experience here, and I would recommend taking it.
Thanks for all your usefull answers. Looks like I have free choice here, which I like.
Snipping all the way to the stem though sounds extreme. Won't this stunt it at all? That would be quite a chunk of the top cola imo.
Snip the very tip top of the cola removing the tiniest slice of stem. It should only be something like a quarter inch or so down from the tip of the cola. It's like topping a plant only done during flowering to stop bud growth heightwise/lengthwise and let it swell and increase in circumference/girth.
Allright, I think I'm gonna do it to one of the ladies, the one that is foxtailing worst.
I'm still not too sure how much of the cola to cut off, foregive my noobnes. I've marked the picture, where I think you mean I should cut it. Should I go with an angular cut, or just straight cut the top off? I just don't wanna mess it up :)

Not knowing the size of the bud, that looks like too much to me. I cannot tell where the cola stem ends but just below that is you want to make a straight cut across the top of the bud slicing the very top of the cola stem in the process. This guide might help and provide more detailed information even though it is a technique used on buds to increase their volume and not to curtail foxtailing - LA's Quick Guide To Simple Backbuilding Technique For Buds!
I see, thank you. Glad I didn't hack into it allready. Now my problem is, I can't see where the mainstem is going up. It's like a bud with bud building outside it, so it's pretty covered and clumbed up, with the bud growing in all directions. I'm semi guessing the highest part of the plant will be where the stem grows. I'll try and look hard at where to cut.
If you look at this picture, it is the one in the most left side.

Since you are going to be removing it anyway why not gently poke and prod the very top with your fingers to get an approximate idea where the stem ends. If you miss it on the first cut, you can always try again. You will see a round white area surrounded by green when you have reached the stem.
Ok, so I clipped one of them slighty, and it seemed to stop the process. It's now pulling it's hairs back it seems.

So now I am at the end of week 8 flowering (not 12/12), and I am considering to start flushing after tommorows last nute feed.
Do the trichs look good? Is now a good time to start a 10 day or so flush?

Based on those pictures, I think now would be a good time to start your flush. You are 1-2 weeks out with plant 3 looking like she is the furthest along. If you can get a scope or magnifying glass it should help you to better determine the percentages of clear, cloudy and amber trichomes on your ladies.
Thanks, helps allot. Yeah, plant 3 sprouted a few days later than the others. Actually 5 days later I think. She is also a few centimetres smaller. She has grown a bigger cola than the one that is ripest though, so I guess that's good.

Can't wait to try our homegrown in a few weeks time :)
You're welcome Sonisk! I should clarify that that reply was based on my preferences regarding trichomes which may or may not match your needs or desires. I prefer trichomes cloudy over amber so my final percentages are 0%-10% clear, 80%-100% cloudy and 0%-10% amber. Plant 3 looks very nice and frosty with the vast majority of trichomes cloudy with no obvious signs of amber yet.
I am kinda hoping to get atleast two different results out of this. I am kinda aiming for the most ripe one to turn good amber, should leave a nice timeframe for the little one to turn good cloudy before chop. So, that way, I'll have my sleeping aid, and just some pleasant smoke for daytime aswell :)
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