Cali Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2015


New Member
I am in the process of starting my first hydro grow! I have gotten quality bagseeds that was taken from cali bud, at least I am hoping so. I am growing these out of my closet and am slowly adding on to the grow with new lights, etc. I started the grow on Friday, so I am just 5 days into my grow! I started out with putting my seeds into Rapid Rooters. I started with 4 seeds! We will find out how many are ladies.:circle-of-love: Hopefully all of them! I am growing out of a medium sized plastic storage bin as my reservoir. I keep the PH at about 5.8. My medium is Hydroton clay pebbles. I am growing in 5 inch net pots with a 100W LED Light hanging above and a fluorescent grow light that I purchased from Walmart that I could not even find the wattage to. :trance: I have a fan that constantly blows on my setup.

Bucket Size - Unknown at the time... soon to find out
Medium - Hydroton
Lights - (1) LED 100 W; (1) Florescent Unknown Watt
Nutrients - Have yet to add
Strain(s) - Bagseed
# of Plants: 4
Yield : 5-8 Ounces


Wish best of luck to me and my grow! Hope you will stay tuned for it all and give me feedback! :Namaste:

It is my second day of posting my journal, as well as my 6th day from beginning of germination! So far everything seems to be doing fine. I went out and grabbed a couple things to help out! My plants just may be stretching a bit, but I can't lower the light anymore unless I think of something. What are ideal temperature and humidity conditions?
I also plan on starting nutes (miracle grow all purpose) after the second week. Any recommendations on that?


Thanks I will keep this journal up to date just about every day!:420:
Hey bagseedexpert. Off to a good start! :thumb:
If you're using an iphone to take the pictures, you have to make sure that your holding the phone sideways so the volume buttons are on the bottom. It's the only way to get your pictures to make it through the upload correctly for some reason.
Hello tokers, :roorrip:
Its been a couple days since my last post and I have now started my plants on miracle grow all purpose nutrients. They have surely started growing now! Can not wait for them to grow even bigger! Although it looks like a couple of them might have stretched a bit already and are kind of weak. If there are any suggestions they would be appreciated! In the forth image the ends of the leaves look to have some sort of yellow discoloration, but it is very minimal. Is this something I should be worried about?


Interesting choice with the MG in the deep water. Have you done this before? If not, we'll see how it goes.. :hmmmm:
:welcome:Ever since I have added the miracle grow my plants have been growing significantly more! It seems to really be working which kind of took my by shock. There is one plant that seems to be strong that is growing tilted over. Im pretty sure this is because It was stretching at first. Is there anyway to help it grow better or should I just experiment and see who she will grow on her own? Also I have came across this... There are beginning to be some redness to my plants. This is showing on two of the four. They have slightly red stem from the first set of leaves all the way through the leaf. Why could this be? Hopefully its genetics!:high-five:


Is the red stem thing still going on? Can we get some pictures of it if it is?

EDIT: Nevermind, the pictures didn't load in that post the first time I saw it for some reason. I can see them now.


Hmm. Seems like they are unhappy about something. Are you bubbling the water in the reservoir with an air stone and air pump?
Its been a while since I last posted but my plants are doing really well. Except for there is some odd thing with the leaves for them. I have topped all four of my plants. I also have turned them to the 18/6 light cycle. If there is anything that you think could help please leave me a post! Thanks!:420:
I hope those roots are just shaded and not actually brown. How often do you preform a complete water change? What is the ph of your reservoir? Temperature the reservoir? Are you using Hydroguard or some other additive to help prevent root root? Do those roots smell bad? Are they slimey?
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