Can anyone identify this microscopic pest?


New Member
i noticed the leaves on my plant were under attack—basically a seedling still. I cut the end off of a leaf that was being eaten and discovered these little bugs(?). I live in a cabin located almost in the center of 50 acres of woods owned by my sister in Mannsville, NY. We are surrounded on three sides by protected Federal Forest and therefore, quite secluded. This plant was started from seed using an hydroponic system by “Miracle Grow” for growing small plants and herbs indoors. I started this one outdoors in a tent that leaked during the recent rains here and of course the grow-light attracted a variety of insects… Since I live in a cabin there is no room to grow inside so was hoping for better results. I am thinking of putting a canopy up to protect the tent from the heavy rains we receive in this part of the state.
Can you help me out by identifying this little critter and, how I might manage things in the future to avoid a repeat experience? I prefer not to use pesticides though I am open to suggestions.
Thank you for your time
George Straubing, Retired


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    Photo on 7-30-18 at 10.51 AM.jpeg
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    Photo on 7-30-18 at 10.54 AM.jpeg
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i noticed the leaves on my plant were under attack—basically a seedling still. I cut the end off of a leaf that was being eaten and discovered these little bugs(?). I live in a cabin located almost in the center of 50 acres of woods owned by my sister in Mannsville, NY. We are surrounded on three sides by protected Federal Forest and therefore, quite secluded. This plant was started from seed using an hydroponic system by “Miracle Grow” for growing small plants and herbs indoors. I started this one outdoors in a tent that leaked during the recent rains here and of course the grow-light attracted a variety of insects… Since I live in a cabin there is no room to grow inside so was hoping for better results. I am thinking of putting a canopy up to protect the tent from the heavy rains we receive in this part of the state.
Can you help me out by identifying this little critter and, how I might manage things in the future to avoid a repeat experience? I prefer not to use pesticides though I am open to suggestions.
Thank you for your time
George Straubing, Retired

It looks like it may be Thrips....Are they very small but visible to the naked eye or only visible under a microscope? Hey, @Norcaliwood , does that look like it's a thrip nymph to you, or any idea what that is?
Thank you for responding...
These can only be seen with a microscope. The seedlings (only have two) are alive but growth has slowed to a crawl. I think I am just going to remove them, clean up, and start over. As I live in the woods and go off exploring on a daily basis I will need to set up a protocol entering the grow tent. I often forget I could be the cause... Thanks again, George
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