Can Cannabis Cure Cancer?

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
I had been aware of the Madrid study by researcher Manuel Guzman referenced in this article for some time, in which they inserted THC (marijuana’s most notable active ingredient though hardly the only one) in the brains of rats with tumors and the tumors in most of the rats shrank and in some actually disappeared. Further studies have confirmed the results. Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware of it when I wrote my book, “Waiting to Inhale,” but I’m talking with a publisher about a revised, updated version. I was aware of Steve Kubby, however, who accidentally stumbled on cannabis to control his adrenal cancer. He met the doctor who diagnosed him some 25 years later, and the doctor was astounded he was alive — he had expected him to live six months at the outside. The doctor insisted on doing a comprehensive series of tests and decided by a process of elimination that cannabis was the only explanation for those tumors being under control, though he didn’t understand the mechanisms through which it worked.

I wasn’t aware that a similar study on rats with brain tumors had been done in the U.S. way back in 1974, but the DEA suppressed it. Can you imagine? A hopeful treatment for the most feared of diseases and the bureaucrats worked overtime to prevent the knowledge from getting out? I would say incredible, but the perverse cruelty of drug warriors perhaps should not suprprise me.

Although the Madrid study got little mainstream press attention, I figured that once word got out that cannabis had even an ameliorative effect on some kinds of cancer — well beyond the already well-known and long-known property of preventing violent throwing up in patients undergoing chemotherapy — that resistance to medicinal use of cannabis would fade away. Silly, naive, me! I don’t know why the drug warriors are so deeply invested in the lies they pretend to believe, but they are, and there is all too little push-back from scientists and doctors, so most people still don’t know. If anything the resistance to accepting a carve-out for medicinal use of cannabis has increased — look at all the municipalities that invent reasons to prohibit dispensaries. The profound cruelty to patients involved in all this is difficult to overstate.

NewsHawk: User: 420 Magazine - Cannabis Culture News & Reviews
Author: Alan Bock
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Website: Can cannabis cure cancer? - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register
The writer stays optimistic that this study will come out, but it won't.

There have been SO many studies proving that marijuana can improve the state of cancer patients and infact effect the cancer itself, but those never get press.

What happened to the concentration extract that cured skin cancer and helped many many many others, and those others (including many doctors) hold testimony that its the cannabis... In this story, weed cured cancer, but the mainstream will never hear of it more than a mention.
The downside of course is that 90% of smokers still use tobacco for mixing with the weed so kind of a vicious circle I suspect
The downside of course is that 90% of smokers still use tobacco for mixing with the weed so kind of a vicious circle I suspect

i've got to question your percentage. i've been smoking for 40 years and have met very few people who mix tobacco with their cannabis. i know a few who smoke blunts but not many. why anyone would want to change the taste of cannabis is beyond my understanding. it might just be the group that we smoke with and we assume that what we see is the average. of course there are the cannabis users who also are tobacco users but i see that number dropping.
In the U.S., I've never met anyone that mixes their tobacco and cannabis. I've seen peeps that want to sneak a toke and remove a little tobacco from the end of the cig and fill the end with weed. but that's about the extent of it.

Maybe the stats 3lions mentioned are for smokers in sunny Spain.

It will not surprise me if the government is suppressing the facts of cannabis curing cancer.
i've got to question your percentage. i've been smoking for 40 years and have met very few people who mix tobacco with their cannabis. i know a few who smoke blunts but not many. why anyone would want to change the taste of cannabis is beyond my understanding. it might just be the group that we smoke with and we assume that what we see is the average. of course there are the cannabis users who also are tobacco users but i see that number dropping.

Couldnt agree more, absolutely never understood the practice of mixing shitty tobacco with cannabis.

its like topping filet mignon with a spam crust........ but to each their own..
Couldnt agree more, absolutely never understood the practice of mixing shitty tobacco with cannabis.

its like topping filet mignon with a spam crust........ but to each their own..

i agree, everyone i know mixes with tobbacco they say its that expensive that mixing makes it last longer, cant see how as your not getting the full effect when mixing all your getting is a little stoned and a head ache from the nicotine rush.

You know why they cover up all those test used with cannabis that prove positive in caner recovery, just imagine how many pharmaceutical companies that will go bust, i have heard that is costs around £30 per pill. its a multi billion pound scam if you ask me when we have one of the oldest plants known to man that could be the cure to 90% of our problem if not 100%

Easy Tockers
Whether cannabis cures cancer or not is moot,,It eazes suffering and helps in the long run..That in itself is the miracle of cannabis. I believe its about compassion, And the numerous other things aided in its usage. :roorrip:
I donated oil to a non-Hodgkins Lymphoma patient in Dallas, TX last November. He was told he wouldn't make it to Christmas, but I watched the weed oil bring him right off his death bed. I have to admit, even after all the evidence, I was a little unsure. Not any more! I've seen it with my own eyes and it's awesome.
I donated oil to a non-Hodgkins Lymphoma patient in Dallas, TX last November. He was told he wouldn't make it to Christmas, but I watched the weed oil bring him right off his death bed. I have to admit, even after all the evidence, I was a little unsure. Not any more! I've seen it with my own eyes and it's awesome.

Thank you so much for the verification,,I'd seen the videos on Rick Simpson,,And wondered whether it had merit or not..Much appreciation Nuggetking. :roorrip:
Thank you so much for the verification,,I'd seen the videos on Rick Simpson,,And wondered whether it had merit or not..Much appreciation Nuggetking. :roorrip:

Ya me too! Thanks Nuggetking :cool:
I was going to suggest going to utube and searching for hemp oil but I believe thats the Rick Simpson story ? It might still be worth checking out :peace:
about 10 years ago, I lost a younger friend to lymphoma.
Nothing helped cure that kid, but he was one tough little muther, taking spinal taps every other week as part of being North Western's guinea pig.
We consumed cannabis herbals all the time and it helped him deal with the pain better than most of the other drugs they were giving him. It helped with nausea. It also helped him stay focused on the things that mattered to him and forget (or not care about) the things that sucked.

damn I miss you chrome dome
I was going to suggest going to utube and searching for hemp oil but I believe thats the Rick Simpson story ? It might still be worth checking out :peace:

rick's vid is in 420 tv. i've also recently added a couple of vids about making oil and i'm sure there are other oil info vids there too

look in 420 tv documentaries, mmj & how to's

if you check out youtube and find any good ones post um here please

i believe!
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