Can I add more soil to bottom of pot


New Member

I am growing (3) plants under a 500w led light . I am growing Dinafem Blue Thai, Dinafem Critical+, and GHS AMS. Everything is going fine; however, I did not fill the 4 1/4 gallon buckets to the top with soil and now I need to add about 4 inches of new soil on 2 of the plants and about 3 inches of soil on 1 ( i have perlite on the bottom of the buckets). I'm using FFOF, and I guess it compacted more than I thought. The BT is the oldest at about 4 weeks, with AMS at 3 weeks, and C+ pulling up the rear at a little over 2 weeks old (started it later, I heard that it can take off and figured it might out grow the other 2). I plan to veg for another 3 weeks or so then put them into flower.

Can I just add soil to the bottom of the plant? Or is it just a waste of time and soil and I should just chalk it up to a lesson learned?

As long as you don't damage the roots then you can add more soil to the bottom.
It's only a waste if the roots don't get to the new soil.
Don't do it unless you can get the entire root ball out intact. At 3-4 weeks I'm not so sure they're rooted that well yet, but you'd know better. Once you have a firm root mass, you can just pull it out of the pot, add more soil and snug it back in. I'd recommend putting an inch of new soil on the top, with the rest on the bottom.
Yes you can added more soil to the bottom of the pot...

How ever due to some 3 to 4 weeks of veg & size of pot i really don't think a suitable root ball would of formed...

So ya more likely loose a lot of soil from around the roots at this stage, providing what roots largely remain intake you could expect a few to several days of stunted growth at best after repotting & normal growth will resume once roots establish into the growing medium :thumb:
In my opinion you need to transplant to a larger container. You stated you want to veg for a few more weeks followed by a flowering cycle. 1/4 gal planters are going to stunt and restrict future growth due to becoming rootbound.
If you are dead set on using what you have now you can backfill the void up top but be cautious when watering near the base of stalk.


I am growing (3) plants under a 500w led light . I am growing Dinafem Blue Thai, Dinafem Critical+, and GHS AMS. Everything is going fine; however, I did not fill the 4 1/4 gallon buckets to the top with soil and now I need to add about 4 inches of new soil on 2 of the plants and about 3 inches of soil on 1 ( i have perlite on the bottom of the buckets). I'm using FFOF, and I guess it compacted more than I thought. The BT is the oldest at about 4 weeks, with AMS at 3 weeks, and C+ pulling up the rear at a little over 2 weeks old (started it later, I heard that it can take off and figured it might out grow the other 2). I plan to veg for another 3 weeks or so then put them into flower.

Can I just add soil to the bottom of the plant? Or is it just a waste of time and soil and I should just chalk it up to a lesson learned?

I was under the impression the fellow was using some 4 gallon sized pots ?

Perhaps i've misunderstand the question & in fact he might be using smaller pots... that could change the advice all together tho !

I think we need further enlightenment on present pot size !
In my opinion you need to transplant to a larger container. You stated you want to veg for a few more weeks followed by a flowering cycle. 1/4 gal planters are going to stunt and restrict future growth due to becoming rootbound.
If you are dead set on using what you have now you can backfill the void up top but be cautious when watering near the base of stalk.

As Wacky Kush kindly pointed out :thumb:

If being the case that the plants are in 1/4 gallon pots after some 3 to 4 weeks of veg a suitable root ball would of formed & indeed should be potted up into a large pot for best growth...

Serious root balling aka when roots grow out of the drainage holes in pots will stunt growth & can effect end yield !

In less a height issue of growing is present then root balling in smaller pots may prove to be beneficial in curbing height of plant...
No I am using 4 and one quarter gallons for each plant. I obtained these from someone in my neighborhood who works at krispy creme, these are the icing buckets :) 2 buckets for $1 is not bad

Do you think I should stil transplant given the new info?

Thanks, Fuzzy do you think that I should give the C+ which is at 2 weeks a little more time?
Thanks, Fuzzy do you think that I should give the C+ which is at 2 weeks a little more time?

Ye give that one an extra week or two... you could re pot but root ball will be smaller.

Just be careful not to damage the root mass to much...

Give the sides of the buckets a good slap/thump to loosen soil & place stem between thumb & fore finger whilst tilting bucket to the side slowly turning bucket up side down, gonna get soil all over the place tho & may experience more root damage on smaller formed root balls !

You could even use a garden hand trowel to cut a good size circle around the plant/root mass in the soil before tilting bucket to remove the plant, a method used in gardening to lift shrubs/small trees with a root ball from the ground.

Or even use the garden hand trowel to dig around the out side of the bucket to a depth of 8 inches or so & lift root ball out by hand with as much soil intake on root ball...

just some ideas :thumb:
dont repot autos they dont like it an can fuck up your plants also just put soil or coco in top round plant thats what i do if i plant to shallow
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