Can I clone any part of this?


New Member
I have read the sticky, "How to clone a cannabis plant." I just want to make sure I'm doing this right. (1) Can I take cuttings from the plant that has just a set of big leaves? (2) Can I take cuttings from the plant that has pre buds on it? (3) When I take cuttings do I just leave the other half of the stem hanging so that it grows back out or should I cut if all off?



Can I cut the longest stem to the right even if it only has 1 set of leaves?


To the right side of this pic below my finger can I clone both stems?


The big elephant ear looking stem to the left can I clone it?

Help would be appreciated. I just don't want to bucther my plant for nothing:smokin:
I wouldn't clone the fan leaf. I would clone an arm that has more growth on it. Sure, you can clone with a plant that's flowering. You can cut the clone right up to the main stem.
yeah cut stems with growth tip on the ends. If its a mom plant and you want it to keep growing more branches then dont cut the last node off the branch cut up to the last node. That node will eventually grow out into another branch. If you cut all the way back to the stem that branch is gone forever. If its just lower sucker shutes on a larger plant than thats fine. Good luck, be sterile, use a sharp ass razor blade, try to cut, dip and insert as quickly as possible to limit the risk of an air embolism. This could effect the clones survival rate dramatically.
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