Can these be revived or should I trash these?


Well-Known Member
so this is my 2nd batch/attempt to clone seemed to be going nicely just sitting in plain old tap water but i mistakenly left these sitting on the heater, which was off at the time. was watching the super bowl and didnt notice that the heat kicked on and within 5 mins or so i turn and find the entire bunch wilted! shit...can these be revived at this point or should i just trash and start again? i purposely left some to clip off the plants..

so pissed....

Sorry to hear about your misfortune man, dang. I d start over if I were you, I ve struggled with withered clones before and it takes so long for them to come back (if they do come back) then they seem to grow stunted and weird. If ya got easy access to clones why not, week and a bit and you ll be back in business with health plants.:thumb: Good luck, peace.:Namaste:

i managed to salvage a couple of these and one ended up sprouting some roots. gonna leave a few more days before i switch to soil. so there u go...nothing but plain tap water, patience, and luck i suppose.

just plain water, no nutes:


Roots! hope the others do as well!
Awesome!!:high-five: Now waddle out of the room making sure to not drop that Horse Shoe from yur butt cheeks! Lmao. Seriously impressed man, I thought forsure you baked and broiled those puppies.....:bravo:

hahah for real man....problem is that im now hoping that these clones were taken from the female plants and not the males that i just wacked off. stay tuned...
Oh I m here for a Show now man!:thumb: I ain't going anywhere, I wanna see how this plays out for ya.... Because I totally could see myself doing the same thing some day so I d better cover all my bases!!hahaha:cheer: Good luck, and as long as those males you "whacked off" didn't finish near the ladies all should be good..... Maybe I ll get my "Front Row at a Gallagher Show" plastic suit on for this show!! Lmao:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::sorry::tokin:
here's an update!

2 rooted like crazy so i just transferred to soil....looks pitiful but so did the other one ya hear!

the one in the plastic cup im not sure because i just grabbed it and stuck it in the dirt without seeing roots but i see some green peeking out so ill give it some time to see what happens. the bigger shrub was my very first clone...yup using just water. holla!

Bahahahahaha man your one lucky bugger:thumb: even though it looks like your growing some Chernobylie type monster plants!:goodjob:
Like o ll grand pappy said " Marry a girl with small hands, it ll your dink seem bigger....." Ooops wrong quote, grand pappy was full of em:rofl::rofl: Here s te one "If it doesn't kill ya it ll make ya stronger!" And so those babies will be epic once they find their groove!:cheer: Hey do you have drainage holes in those pots btw? They just seemed super moiste..... Not sure why I m questioning your growing techniques, your odviously a grow "God" to bring those plants back! :high-five::adore:
hahah right on thx man. hope they turn out to be females but still fun waiting to find out.

yeah these pots have a hole on the middle of the bottom base...i just spray them every now and then since the humidity is pretty low here during the winter. ive been trying to stay to the KISS method....seems to work so far.

this site is pretty amazing...made my first coconut oil out of the male plants and have been mixing into my coffee and tea...makes it taste like a Chia but not sure if it's hitting me or not since ive been smoking at the same time and not sure if im putting enough...been only adding about a tablespoon...although i did feel my body get heavy heh....:high-five:

Wow man that sounds great! All new to me, I didn't know the male plants were good for anything ( something my old lady would prob agree with Hahahah) Are you wondering about those clones...? They ll be whatever the mother plant was right!? Sorry if I missed out on something, sooo super high right now:volcano-smiley: Keep them updates coming bud and any other cool ass remedies you might have on the go:thumb:
Wow man that sounds great! All new to me, I didn't know the male plants were good for anything ( something my old lady would prob agree with Hahahah) Are you wondering about those clones...? They ll be whatever the mother plant was right!? Sorry if I missed out on something, sooo super high right now:volcano-smiley: Keep them updates coming bud and any other cool ass remedies you might have on the go:thumb:

same here man...been self medicating for 20yrs and found this site a few months ago and here we are...hah. have read conflicting posts on male plants so i figured y not give it a shot instead of just tossing the plants u know? good way of practicing once i get the girls going. wasnt hard at's a pic i just took of the coconut oil cooled and then added to my coffee. green oil slick on an earthy tea like flavor to it. just added some more sugar and it ended up tasting like chai tea. i also made a tea with the decarbox leaves. gonna have the wife make up some brownies next! i gotta say that im not sure if it's working or not since it's a male but my body did feel damn heavy like i was weighted down :thumb:

also not sure what the clones will be since i took them off the mothers during veg so i didnt know until after i biggie for me...figure it'll just be some more experience.
Hey champ i just thought id put my 5 cents in,u realise the male pollen can be frozen and stored if ur gunna pollenate or cross something

yeah at some point i probably will try it out but trying to focus on the gals....dont really have the time.
woot! she held on and new roots finally showing on this poor bugger!...gonna snip off the dead leaf and top stem, give it a couple more days to root out some more and stick it in soil....or should i move it now?? hehe

so this is successful clone #4

and update on the 1st clone

and the sisters

unless you got $ , grow the rotters. cads. BOUNDERS! l #ve grown a beautiful crop from:20 DEAD dry, abused babies, and one immediately following which refused to drop any roots are now the picture of good health!!!
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