Can You Completely Detox Your System In 48 hours?


New Member
That's smoking hash oil with 50%+ THC levels 3-4 times a day for the last year. Yes, my body is fucking saturated. I've already tried drinking a bullshit 100% money back, snake oil, detox drink with a gallon of water without success.

Can you cleanse your body 100% of THC in 48 hours? Not mask it.

Cannabis is one of the few drugs that are not water soluble which means it can't be flushed. Your only options are to sub with synthetic urine or someone elses clean urine.
The only detox that works if you're trying to get clean is eating high fiber foods to keep your bowels moving. Otherwise some of the thc metabolites get reabsorbed into your body and you start the whole process over again.
Pretty shitty really. You can do all the hard core drugs since they leave your body in 3 days. But can't smoke weed. SMH

I remember a friend got introduced / hooked on coke and X because he got a DUI and was put on probation with monthly drug tests. He couldn't smoke weed anymore, but still wanted to party. Started doing real drugs and a year later, he was a different person. Probably would have happened one way or the other, but just saying he had no intention of doing hard drugs till he got put on probation.
The drug law has forced people into alcoholism for decades and now prescription drug abuses. Most all caused because of unconstitutional government laws. And these are all religious laws that don't belong on the books of a secular government.
I have a niece like that. No body fat and pretty much pass a drug test any time anywhere. But zero body fat is not very healthy. Get seriously sick and there's nothing for the body to feed off of.
ive heard niacin works , als drinking lots of water and constant movement . i tried going to my bathroom and making it hot af to sweat that shit out .im not really sure if it works its been four days and i need to get clean asap so ill respond back tomorrow and let you all know .... i think i messed up because honestly i got non flush but ive taken like 2000 mg so we shall see ... wish me luck
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