Canna butter: It actually tastes good!


Active Member
first time i make canna butter, i took about 250g of butter and infused it with 200 grams of sugar leaves. kept it around 70c for 3 hours (water was added too)

next day i have the butter, i tried around 20 grams (roughly 300mg of thc from my calculations) pretty good buz, nothing too crazy, nice way to relax.

right now i'm sipping on some tea with another 300mg in it, and then i'm gonna smoke a fat doobie!

overall i have to admit, the butter is actually pretty alright! i thought it would taste like garbage, but it's actually somewhat pleasant once. the smell while cooking was amazing, the end product doesn't smell as good, a lot more grassy.

melted on piece of bread it's a nice treat in the morning.... trim should have around 6% 15% of thc (if you're using sugar leaves it's usually higer than 6%)

for anyone who uses sugar leaves, i recommend washing the leaves if you don't do so, mine were nasty being a outdoor grower! i washed them with warm water with baking soda in it and then many times in water! then left them dry outside. and boom, ready to make butter!

this is my experience with canna butter, good luck :)
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