Cannabis Activists Are Ready To Say 'No Obama'

Well you were arrested and didn't follow orders, Arrested means just that arrest, to hold, to be basically locked up as in held up. Once a cop stops you he has arrested you, even for a ticket he has to write, you are still under arrest once he stops your car. Even for a broken lite, you are being held up, arrested and must follow orders.

You don't have to drive a car either. As for your son and medical, well you can get Medicare Part A for him which will help with Hospital, everyone in America is allowed Medicare Part A that pays sometimes 100% Hospital. Hopefully for your son, it works out, I'll send my prayers.

Not much we can do to change the country, I though Occupy Wall Street would have, but that just seem to die down. I can only see 99% of America going violent as the only way to change America. Not that I'm suggesting it, but being passive in these times, I doubt that will work.

Good luck with everything my best to you and family
IMO Obama is nothing more than a "face man" for big business....
Also I believe the pharmacological companies are at the forefront of the payoffs and Govt. raids..

If you think you're free and have rights in the USA, you're sadly mistaken...
Oh, wait, I'm sorry, you are free and have rights in the USA "IF YOU HAVE MONEY"

So let me get this straight because I'm not sure what I'm seeing.....

My US Govt. tells me I have to pay protection and cost of operation fees..
If for some reason I cannot pay, they punish me by putting me in jail, garnishing my wages (just taking it if I like it or not), even take everything which I have bought over the course of my life...

So I'm forced to PAY THEM even though I cannot afford it and my family of 5 is sharing a can of beans for dinner, my family's utilities are going to get shut off soon because I cannot pay the FULL balance... On top of this, my son is dying because he needs a heart transplant, but because of the Govt. cutbacks, my employer has cut my medical benefits, so now my son is not covered and will die because I cannot afford a 350,000 medical procedure...

THEN HERE COMES THE TAX MAN (the Govt.'s punisher)
If I cannot afford to pay my taxes, I have to watch my family be put out on the streets and my son die from jail.... Because THEY DO NOT CARE, THEY WANT THEIR MONEY OR THEY ARE GOING TO PUT THE HURT ON YOU....

Is that not what the old Mafia mob used to do???
Pay a "protection fee" and "operating fee" or we're going to hurt you???

So the Govt. wiped out the mob because they wanted to take over completely??
Because I pay their "tax money" EVERY FUCKING YEAR, but my house still gets broke into (no protection), the infrastructure of the city which I live is crumbling beneath my feet and the roads destroy my car costing me more money.. My employer now is off the hook to supply me medical coverage at a reasonable rate...

Wake up people, our Govt. is nothing more than "organized crime"!!
They tell you what to do, when to do it, and how often you can, while they steal your money with their fat ass salaries... Then if you step out of line, they send their "Blue" punishers in to jack you up and out you in a locked room..

Then if you want to stand up and say NO MFs, you did not fix the infrastructure of my city, you did not protect my property as you said, you make stupid rules up, you keep raising my cost to live, but not the return for my hard labor.. So NO MFs, I'm not paying because you did NOT do what you said you were going to do....

God forbid if you try and stand up to them!!!!
Example: I was cooking 70mph in a 45... :bigblush:
So I get pulled over, the cop walks up and says get out of the car, I get out, he says turn around, I do, and he handcuffs me, then walks me to the back door of his car..

He does a quick pat down, opens the door and says get in, and I say, "what am I being charged with", he says "get in the FUCKING car", I again said, "I want to know what I'm being charged with", then then grabs my wrist (in the handcuff) with one hand, my throat with the other, and screams in my ear (so load I have hearing damage), (as he yanks back on my wrist breaking it) "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND"..

Long story short, the ruling was that there was no wrong doing by the officer..
He was completely justified because I did not obey his command to get in the car..


But don't think for a SECOND you're free here..

Now let's get back to Voting???
Do you really think "We The People" voted in who we want to run the country???
Because I'm going to tell you right now, the MFs I think need to run the country will NEVER EVEN GET CLOSE TO THE BALLOT!!

So let me get this straight because again I'm confused....
THEY (the head mob members) PICK two people which I get to vote for.....

Ummmmmmm, wait a minute, how the fuck is that fair???
I don't want them MFs, because you can see the hand up their ass making their mouth move!!

I want someone REAL, someone that KNOWS what it is like to wonder how you're going to pay your light bill, wondering if you're going to have enough to feed your whole family tonight or do you not eat again tonight, wondering this year is the economy is going to rise 8% and my wage earnings only 3% again (after the 5-6th fucking year in a roll)...

Another thing I do not get, if "we're" paying their salary and "we're" paying for Washington to even open their doors, then are "we" not the employer?? If so, than I want to fire some MFs right now!!!!

Sorry for the ramble and vent members of :420:
Thank you for allowing me a place to vent, because it's really helpful at times in people's lives with today's dog eat dog world...

Unfortunatly big business ie: oil, pharm, megomart, AND the vast legal and prison monolith, stand to lose if our individual rights are respected. As long as lobbyists are allowed to penetrate the government hiarchy, and we dont set TERM LIMITS, even someone who goes into politics with good intentions soon finds out it is easier to let your boat go downstream.SAD
Not 420 related, but I did find it interesting and another trampling of our rights, and it adds to the "No Obama" theme of the thread.
Did you see or read about King Obama and Genereal Holders' new interpretation of our constitution and laws? General Holder proclaimed Monday, that for the first time in history, that King Obama now has the legal right to assisinate American citizens. No public trial, no jury of our peers, no nothing, if King Obama declares that you are a terrorist he can have one of his minions assasinate you, no questions asked. Holder claims that the Constitution gives you the right to due process, but does not specifically give you the right to judicial process. Meaning, if we kill you before your judicial process, you got your due process under the new King Obama interpretation of the Constitution. All he has to do is declare you a terrorist and put a bullet through your head.

Here are some quotes from Holder:
"Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. asserted on Monday that it is lawful for the government to kill American citizens if officials deem them to be operational leaders of Al Qaeda who are planning attacks on the United States and if capturing them alive is not feasible."
Given the nature of how terrorists act and where they tend to hide, it may not always be feasible to capture a United States citizen terrorist who presents an imminent threat of violent attack, and in that case, our government has the clear authority to defend the United States with lethal force."
"Due process' and 'judicial process' are not one and the same, particularly when it comes to national security. The Constitution guarantees due process, not judicial process."

And guess what, over 1600 people involved with drugs, and not terrorism, have been convicted under the Patriot Act all in the name of National Security.

Hmmm, maybe it is 420 related, kinda makes me feel like I have crosshairs on the bridge of my nose now...
....I concur jakester....our whole political discussion in this country has been reduced (if you listen to the powers that be) to TWO cogent, repulbican...that's it...the only legitimate of them got us in this mess...and according to them /ONLY they can get us out...what a complete joke...Oh, and they both "happen" to be rich....what a joke...
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