Cannabis Club Purchase

Thepurplem0nkey said:
Jimmy, I've met a lot of Austrailians in my travels throughout Europe (they referred to me as "the yank"), and most of them said pot was pretty abundant and tolerated in their country. Is this true, or is it like Canada, where only certain parts (IE: Vancouver/Vansterdam) have begun to tolerate weed? If so, which parts? Are there any movements or politcal parties in Australia pushing for legalization? Britian has a medical pot program in effect (if im not mistaken), Australia might have a similar program, I bring this up because A) I genuinly am interested in the pot scene in Austrailia, and b) if pot is not tolerated for medicinal or recreational use, there may be groups already trying to legalize it in one capacity or another. Perhaps if you find a local one, you can join and help bring about the change you want to see. I have found activism to be much more effective than apathy (I'm not saying you are apathetic, just making a general statement there).

yer in austraila pots preety much not cared about at all realy as long as u dont have in seperate dill bags and plan on selling it but even then u can just say i have it seperated to smoke it evenly ,there is a couple of states that have it decrimanilzed canberra,south australia,Western Austraila but theer a place called nimbin along the coast in queensland thats this little hippy town thats pot central that have a anual madi grass festival and weed olympics u can check it out there
ther is a couple of political parties that are pro pot but i dont know the names
Hey, just so ya'll know, my buddy and I just smoked that hash oil (it was hash oil after all). He boiled some water, poured it into a sink, and let the little plastic container sit in it, and it melted into a luiquidy, melted choclate oil. We then dipped a small morsel of Northern Lights into it, coating it with the delicious black goo, and let it cool until it formed a nice gooey hash shield around the weed. W O W! Total indica high, body ewas numb and I was running around the room. A bulldozer could have ran me over I wouldnt have felt it : D Definate medical grade sheeeyat.

Jimmy...W O W!!! That's totaly awesome! Have you been to any of these places? And if not, WHY??? Im very curious now as to a visit to your country, as I've always wanted to see it, and also would love to smoke Austrailian weed.

Hawker: I've heard of many people getting recomendation's for depression. This law is for everyone who believes pot genuinly helps them with problems. I have an eye disease, smoking releaves the pain I feel daily at the end of the day, and also releives my stress. If you think it helps with the pain of depression, or the pain of every day life which could be depression, then you qualify under California law, and I say GO FOR IT!
Raystoner is absolutely correct, a lot of the bay area guys are cash cow doctors, looking to make money. Your best bet would be to do a little research on the wbe (norml is a good place to start) and find a local doctor. I found one an hour away from my house, and paid him a visit. He was a very professional, no nosense doctor who firmly believed that the law was the law, and only gave perscriptions to people who genuinly were covered under the law. In other words, you want to, if possible, find a doctor who genuinly believes what he is doing is for medical benefits (IE: the well being of mankind), and not for monetary(CASH$$$) profits. It was very funny seeing this 65 year old doctor, with a full white beard, Mr. Rogers type face, and credentials upon credentials upon credentials on the wall, lean over to me towards the end of our meeting and say "You should be able to get into any canabis club with this recomendation, but I recomend you grow a few plants. its cheaper, and often more rewarding."
I believe whole heartedly in educating people on the alternative medication they can be partaking in if they suffer from pain causing conditions, thats why I talk about it so much. The more people who learn about it, the more people can partake in it, and thus it becomes more prevalant in our society. People in states wihtout these laws should start posting on local message boards asking about initiativees being set up. You'd be surprised how many local grass roots oprganizations in states without these med pot laws are struggeling to get petitions signed for things to be put to votes. If you sniff around a bit, you can help bring these laws to your state X_ X Also, cliche yet true, writing t o all your local representatives and state representives is also rewarding. If nothing else, you get a bullshit letter back saying "We thank you for your comments...", but sometimes you get surprising results. Every little bit helps.
Ok, Im rambling to fucking much. Check out some more cannabis club purchases. For your viewing pleasure: EDIBILES. Sorry about the shitty quality, it was taken with my cell phone camera. I was so excited when I got these. Ok, the top square thingy is a Rice Krispy Treat, made with cannabutter. Eh, it was pretty small, very hard, tasty, but kinda weak. Just kinda got me buzzed. It was cheap, got what I paid for (5 bucks).
That bon bon looing thing says HASISH (spoof on HERSHY). THat thing had this chocolate weed center (made with cannabutter). YOu could really tase that strong afghan weed flavor. ENtetresting, but little too strong of a ataste for me. F U C K E D M E U P B E Y O N D R E P A I R, lemme tellya. I was high for like, 6 hours on that thing!! I wnt eat it again, TOO STRONG! (10 bucks).
THat hawian snow was a chocolate bar. It was made with cannabis cup 2003 canabutter (or some shit like leat it calimed it). I ate that, good tatste, hardly tatsed the weed...but damd howdy did I feel it. Very potent, but less crazy than the hash bon bon. 7 bucks.
The score bar was awesome It tasted JUST like a SKORE. Mmm. good weed tofee. GENIUS. FUcked me up a bit less thanthe hawian snow, but was worth it at 7 bucks.
I HAD a picture of the trainwreck keif I got, but I cant find it at the moment. I might have deleted it in a paranoia induced panick LOL.
LOL Tokin. Well, just keep in mind why I actualy have acess to this weed. I'd give all that beautiful cheeba up for working eyes ;-)
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