Latest club purchase


New Member
Enjoy the pics. Descriptions below the pics :smokin:


1. This is a pic of my entire purchase. On the far right, in the blue bottle, is a honey sativa spray. Good for creative artistic inspiration and sleep enducement
:adore: TO the left of the blue bottle is SHISKABERRY, and indica. THey are 8 bags ( they dont sell quarters). To the left of that is TRINITY. It smells way sweet, is very dense and is in nice nug form. Its an EXCELLENT sativa strain, very potent. Again, two 8 bags. FInaly, in the small container on the left, thats a gram of BLONDE TURBO HASH. VERY blonde, nice morocon hash buzz. Very laid back and relaxing. The weed cost 50 bucks an 8th, the spray cost 20 bucks, and the gram of hash cost 35 bucks (its gooood).


2. Here is a close up of the BLONDE TURBO HASH. 1 gram.


3. Here are a few fat nugs of TRINITY. VERY sweet tasting and DENSE!!! If you like Sativa, I highly recomend this strain.


4. Here is a close up of a few nugs of SHISKABERRY. THis is a nice indica, very relaxing. Interesting sweet taste to it.


5. Another close up of the BLONDE TURBO HASH. THis stuff burns remarkably slow, almost like incense! Has a spiced oil scent and a smooth dark taste. Extremely relaxing. Musio is sounding poretty awesome with this stuff.

nice looking stuff does this "club" get away w/ selling bud and shit? i know they have menus and stuff.....amazing how they don't get raided
AdultSwim said:
nice looking stuff does this "club" get away w/ selling bud and shit? i know they have menus and stuff.....amazing how they don't get raided
medpot clubs are legal in parts of california and some other states. very nice pics. hash looks yummy :smokin:
Well, the people of California believe in leading the nation in compassion and passed the COMPASSIONATE USE ACT in 1996, whiich paved the way for these cannabis despensaries (clubs) to operate. For the police or sherrifs department, entities of the STATE, to arrest a citizen of california legaly within his rights to use marijuana for medical purposes would be a violation of our civil rights. THe only people the club owners have to worry about is the federal government, who lacks the compassion of California. Its becoming bad PR for the government to raid medical despensaries for cancer patients, even though they cotninue to do it. As to why this place hasn't been shut down, all I can say is, the local police know its there, and as long as no illegal activity occurs, legaly, they have no legal standing to do anything about it ;-)
yeah last time i got hold of the shiskaberry from the vaipor room club i think i remember being stoned out my mind on the train an awsome time.
also purp take advatage of prop. 215 and grow as much as you can man. later when you get real good at growing you can be a care taker and grow loads of weed for alot of people up here we have 25 plant limit per person and i heard some countys have a 35 plant limit for select people
Smokey, I went to the vapor room a few months back when I was up in the area. A WAY chill place. They wre also extremewly generous in their 1/8th of hash I purchased :)
yeah the vapor room is cool one of my favorites. do you get purple erckle down there or grand daddy purple those are 2 very good purple strains i highly recomend for pain i smoked a bowl a while back and my back pain went away completely and it also makes you DOO-DOO DUMB RETARDED HIGH
smokey, purple erkle is somewhat rare, and very expensive down here. Its my FAVORITE strain though. I bought some when I was up in your area. They kad Purple ZErkle Keif, and purple erkle. The BLueberry was exclelent also. Next time I make it up there, im buying in bulk ;-)
As for growing, I DO grow :) But since it's winter and I am unable to grow indoors, I am waiting until APRIL to begin. Last spring I grew one plant, this time I may grow 3 to 4.
i would check the last frost for your area or when the rain stops it will be a good time to plant outdoors but i started some outside already and they are doing good. also next time you come up here we can meet up and hit up the clubs.
awesome buds and hash PM.. that looks so yummy...
yeah ill look into going to the clubs some time this weekend hopefully i get some of that hash but if not ill just get the regular stuff i get maybe some oaksterdam goo.
i want a subscription for medpot :(

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