Cannabis Congress Seeks To Champion The Drug For Medicinal Use

Robert Celt

New Member
Supporters of Cannabis recently gathered in Barcelona, Spain to champion for the legalization of the drug for medicinal purposes.

Legalization of Cannabis has courted controversy the world over ,but in recent times,more countries are becoming more accustomed to the idea of marijuana as a non-harmful substance.

According to research, the drug has been associated with risks such as mental health problems, fertility and even paranoia but proponents of the drug argue that clinical trials have shown that cannabis is effective for pain relief.

The World Health Organization says that Cannabis has therapeutic effects for nausea and vomiting in advanced stages of illnesses such as Cancer and aids.

In Africa, Cannabis is illegal in all countries but remains deeply ingrained in African tradition, recreation and economies.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Cannabis Congress Seeks To Champion The Drug For Medicinal Use
Author: AFP
Contact: Africa News
Photo Credit: George Demopoulos
Website: Africa News
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