Cannabis Flowering & Maturing Too Quickly


New Member
So I did some searching but I couldn't find anything... So sorry if this has been discussed in the past. All 5 of my plants (other than 1) matured from my switch to 12/12 to harvest in ~32 days. They formed very tight, very heady, very tasty buds, but they were disappointingly small. It's like they skipped the mid flowering period where the bulk of the weight is added entirely, but then proceeded through late flowering normally to be coated in copious amounts of trichomes.

Growing 5 WW under a 600w 11 band (1000w MH equivalent) light. Modular system, expanded red clay growing medium, humidity between 40-80%, temp 70-80F. Full cutting edge nutrients line.

The only other change I made during flowering was adding Uncle John's Blend about 15 days into flowering... Could that nutrient change have shocked them into maturing in an odd fashion? That's the only thing I can think may have been a source of stress. My final plant is still maturing and has buds on the main colas the size of my fist, and the other plants yielded only about an ounce each where I was hoping for closer to 3 based on their size in veg.

Sooooo I'm dumbfounded. Any help to keep this from ever happening again would be great, because while they're tasty, it's pretty frustrating to have put in months of work and have little to show for it.
Hey Ribbles, thanks for the quick reply! WW was White Widow, sorry! I'm confident it was ready for harvest... The trichs were milky and one plant actually had a couple of amber ones. I wasn't really watching for them to be mature (though the pistils were changing colors as well, I know other environmental factors can influence that), I was only a month in so that was surprising. This was a week ago, so they are dried and tried. They taste great (for a pre-cure bud) and feel great, they're just small.

My only remaining plant is more on track with where I expected it to be at 5 weeks into flowering, the trichs are just starting to fill out more and the buds are doing great. I harvested the first 4 plants at 32 days into flowering when they exhibited signs they were ready to harvest after a 40 day veg period. I'll bring pics of my one remaining plant later when I get home if you think it will help... I didn't think to take pics of the early harvest ones before chopping them down unfortunately.

Thanks again!
Hi folks; This is my first grow and I also have WW. I am also dealing with pistils turning amber in 4th week. It's happening very quickly and looks like trich's are starting to get some cloudiness. I have 5 plants but just one is turning like this, so far. The leaves are healthy and green, not fading out like expected. I'm using T5 fluorescent bulbs with 12 extra cfls. Soil grow. Fox Farm nutrients along with occasional molasses and kelp meal. It's my understanding that WW needs 12 weeks of flowering. Buds are starting to swell but looks like most of the pistils are amber, so I'm assuming I should start flushing. No males, no nanners. So...I guess it's time to flush? I'm wondering how much time I have to flush before harvest? (Since this seems to be happening so fast). I don't know if I have 2 weeks to flush, as I'm concerned waiting that long may produce a heavy, couch-lock crop. What could cause a plant to move along so quickly and be "ready" to harvest so soon?
Hi folks; This is my first grow and I also have WW. I am also dealing with pistils turning amber in 4th week. It's happening very quickly and looks like trich's are starting to get some cloudiness. I have 5 plants but just one is turning like this, so far. The leaves are healthy and green, not fading out like expected. I'm using T5 fluorescent bulbs with 12 extra cfls. Soil grow. Fox Farm nutrients along with occasional molasses and kelp meal. It's my understanding that WW needs 12 weeks of flowering. Buds are starting to swell but looks like most of the pistils are amber, so I'm assuming I should start flushing. No males, no nanners. So...I guess it's time to flush? I'm wondering how much time I have to flush before harvest? (Since this seems to be happening so fast). I don't know if I have 2 weeks to flush, as I'm concerned waiting that long may produce a heavy, couch-lock crop. What could cause a plant to move along so quickly and be "ready" to harvest so soon?

I've heard it's normal for the pistils to start changing to orange after 4 weeks, but more white pistils will continue to pop up as well. So I'd say give it more time, see if it grows. My plants did the same thing but pumped out more white pistils. Maybe you don't have enough light to continue them further though, not sure.
I've heard it's normal for the pistils to start changing to orange after 4 weeks, but more white pistils will continue to pop up as well. So I'd say give it more time, see if it grows. My plants did the same thing but pumped out more white pistils. Maybe you don't have enough light to continue them further though, not sure.
32 days is WAY to early to harvest, no matter what strain. They were small because of this, you completely missed the last 2 week swell. When checking trichs you want to look at the calyx and not sugar leaves as those mature weeks before calyx trichs
This is my third set of flowers harvested so something is shocking them to early maturation. They seem to flourish in vegetation and after moved to flowering tent. This has been three different strains grown in same conditions. What’s triggering this? I’m am and have been completely baffled. It has to be something consistent since it’s happen to every plant.
I understand. That’s why I’m confused. I thought about posting photos but you wouldn’t be able to decipher the volume of brown pistols. You’ll have to trust me on that one. Once they start appearing, it continues until all amber trichomes which is too far. I know this because I took the first two of Maui too far and got narcotic high . It’s not soil, nutrients, light, heat, or time...... so WTF ....these current strains should require minimum 10 weeks and I have to harvest at 6. One I took to 7. The nice thing is the high is unbelievable so I can only imagine if it flowers 4-5 more weeks......unreal if you enjoy a really psychedelic sativa....I’m having trouble on these blogs because everyone wants to sell something or not reply. Too bad we’ve evolved to that . HELPPPPPPPPPP
This is not a troll post at all. It’s been a serious problem. My first plants were Maui and because I thought I shouldn’t harvest, I let them go and most buds turned completely brown and they were too mature and ruined the high. Like I said, this is the third set of plants with same problem. I first noticed the brown pistols on 29 th day of flower. Isn’t that too early? I do monitor trichomes. I’ll post photos of flowers shortly. I do appreciate your input.
These are current flowers at 32 days. They are developing well, I think, but am already seeing brown pistols. When I took the earlier Maui plants to eight weeks, it ruined the expected high.


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I wasn’t trying to show the trichomes but rather the brown pistols already started. They are in 5 gallon fiber pots. Could they possibly be getting root bound? I have gone to 10 gallon in case. I appreciate your feedback. I just want more yield and potency per strain I’m growing.
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