Cannabis The 'Super Plant'

On one end of the tug of rope is progress and on the other end is Denver DEA Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey Sweetin, asserting "marijuana is not medicine" ("DEA: Colorado marijuana dispensaries are illegal," SDN Feb. 14). Sweetin is either ignorant or lying and either way, his DEA efforts are crippling Colorado, the nation and indeed the planet. Cannabis (marijuana) clearly has medical value and historically been documented and used medicinally for over 5,000 years. Cannabis prohibition is hinged on the federal government's dishonest label, a Schedule I substance, which claims the plant has no medical value. The federal government's ultimate desire to exterminate cannabis off planet earth should be alarming to every living human, not just Christians who know God indicates He created all the seed-bearing plants and specified they are all good on the first page of the Bible.

Cannabis is known as the tree of life, which technically makes the plant one of, if not, the most important plant in existence, since the very last page of the Bible indicates the leaves of the tree of life are for the healing of the nations. The plant's healing ability extends beyond physical human needs, beyond healing problems which lead to war, beyond healing the planet's perceived energy and economic deficiencies and into the realm of spiritual healing. And the greatest potential cannabis offers is in its spiritual abilities. People who use cannabis for spiritual purpose know 100 percent it has value in exposing, teaching and understanding truth.

Cannabis is a creation earth may not be able to live with out. Cannabis is the super plant. Why is cannabis even a Schedule I substance to begin with? Ask the special agent Jeffrey Sweetin; he'll be glad to deny truth and progress to explain it.

Further, many people who use cannabis sense it has spiritual insight. I read a recently published paper on the subject worth reading to help begin understanding some of the potential implications, which alone makes a credible case against allowing government to exterminate cannabis.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 Magazine - Cannabis Culture News & Reviews
Author: Stan White
Copyright: 2010
Website: Cannabis the 'super plant'
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