Capn Style Air Stone Question


New Member
Hello everyone,
I've been doing a ton of research for my first grow and came across the capn style of growing.

My question is why do the individual reservoir not need air stones? With the pumps only running twice a day for 15 minute intervals I'm curious how the water doesn't become stagnant. Is it because of the beneficial bacteria (recharge) hes using? Don't get me wrong, i'm happy to not have to place a stone but just curious as to the reason why.

That is just a pseudo "flood-less" flood and drain. That doesn't need air because it is mostly in air. You only need aerated water really for DWC because the roots actually do not like to sit in water.most hydro systems can get away without an air pump if done correctly. But air doesn't hurt and helps with keeping the right kind of bacteria alive and the wrong kind dead so air is always good.
Hello everyone,
I've been doing a ton of research for my first grow and came across the capn style of growing.

My question is why do the individual reservoir not need air stones? With the pumps only running twice a day for 15 minute intervals I'm curious how the water doesn't become stagnant. Is it because of the beneficial bacteria (recharge) hes using? Don't get me wrong, i'm happy to not have to place a stone but just curious as to the reason why.


He ran tests at one point and the air stone didn't increase O2 content in the nutrient solution. O2 saturation is mainly linked to water temp. Running an air stone only increases the cost to run the system.

As for the nutrients becoming stagnant, it isn't likely in the time frame they are in the reservoir.

If you follow his nutrient recipe you should be good to go with very little adjustments needed to dial in a very good grow.

I'm running a modified Cap'n Style grow using Dyna Gro nutrients, there is a steeper learning curve because of my choice to be different.

Oh, he didn't always use recharge, that's fairly new.
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