Chem Class

Chronic Sight

New Member
First My Chem Class is Nuts the teacehr Obvisoly a Pot head, We talk about weed all the time plus 9 of the 11 students int eh Class are Pot heads. Im sitting there, INa group of 5 kids, I turn to this girl i go when was the alst time you smoked Pot she goes, hmm *thinking a While* the Day before Halloween, I turn to My Friend Eddie, He goes Last night, I turn to my otehr friend you he goes Saterday, and i turn to another girl she says saterday, they turn to me adn go and when was the last time you smoked, I go "hmmmm let me see, 3 periods ago"
Fuck dude my chem class was made up of straight arrows, whenever I came to class baked I got really dirty looks as a I ate a ton of juicy fruit and jolly ranchers!

My fave class i go Baked Everyday 7th period lol and my teacher hides the huge graduatied cylinders, cause ive already made comments on making them into bongs.
i love going to class high its so much more intresting then going sober
I miss going to class blazed up, man. I used to say the dumbest shit in class like in freshman year. I remeber takin brownies to school and eatin em with my friends at lunch and we were like the only stoners in our grade and there were only about 7 of us that smoked out of like 600 freshmen and everyone hated us except the older kids so we smoked with them all the time. Now Im in my senoir year and like 75% of my school smokes or drinks or does Xanex out of almost 3000 students. Its madnezz, dude. KroN-NicK MadnezZ. Got some cokeheads and a bunch of emo kids that roll too. Plus, field shrooms are plentiful out here. We fucked up our whole community :hehehehe:
i went to alternative highschool and the teachers always new i was high cause they would see it everyday. i didnt get away with it for long. i remember this one time my school went on this 4 day hike and i was walking really fast this one day with my bud and we got like 5 hours ahead of the group and finallyy when my teacher shows up he says, "Wow cdxx must of heard there was pot at the next campsite". good old camping days with my school, smoking pot out of appels, eh
CDXX said:
i went to alternative highschool and the teachers always new i was high cause they would see it everyday. i didnt get away with it for long. i remember this one time my school went on this 4 day hike and i was walking really fast this one day with my bud and we got like 5 hours ahead of the group and finallyy when my teacher shows up he says, "Wow cdxx must of heard there was pot at the next campsite". good old camping days with my school, smoking pot out of appels, eh

oh whattt did you go to Keith Lynn alterative highschool by any chance??
oh o0k cuz i went to keith lynn for a little while and it sounds like the same shit. class camping trips n shit. we would always wait for the teachers to go to sleep then just blaze blunts in our tents.
thats whats great about alternative schools. you get to do so much more shit. one year i went to a indian reservation and got to do a sweat lodge. tiiiiight
haha yea man in our school we went to whistler every 2 weeks durin winter, went camping to the okanogon, the chilcooton mountains, trips down into the us, once in a while the shcool would go to big gyms n shit. oh yea the best part was. they feed us hot lunches everyday
CDXX said:
thats whats great about alternative schools. you get to do so much more shit. one year i went to a indian reservation and got to do a sweat lodge. tiiiiight
The alternative school in my town is not anything like that. You never go on any trips at all, you are on lock down the whole time you are there. And they serve the food left over from the other schools.
mine was great i never went a public school once you get into a good alternative one you will learn so much more, great for potheads
CDXX said:
mine was great i never went a public school once you get into a good alternative one you will learn so much more, great for potheads

yea alternative schools are pretty ill if its got good teachers. i only went there for grade 10. got kicked out, went there did work at my own pace, worked through grade 10 finished it and got back into my old highschool
I had this one teacher that was a old crazy fat vietnam sure some of you can picture that
punk_rock156 said:
The alternative school in my town is not anything like that. You never go on any trips at all, you are on lock down the whole time you are there. And they serve the food left over from the other schools.

See, you luckey fuckin Canadians dont know how good youve got it. Thats the kinda shit you gotta put up with in an American alternative school. Metal Detectors, cops everywhere, cameras in the classrooms, drug dogs. Its horrible! Not to mention all the fake ass wanna be thugs who think they are hard cuz the get into one fight that they never finish.
haha i loved high school b/c of the fact that i was in the "stoner" crew and everyone knew that so the teachers got used to it and would crack jokes and shit about us being high lol my one science teacher was awesome and he used to blaze so i put business cards for artifax and wonderland (2 local head shops) on the corkboard up front and he just laughed
KroNNicKMadnezZ said:
See, you luckey fuckin Canadians dont know how good youve got it. Thats the kinda shit you gotta put up with in an American alternative school. Metal Detectors, cops everywhere, cameras in the classrooms, drug dogs. Its horrible! Not to mention all the fake ass wanna be thugs who think they are hard cuz the get into one fight that they never finish.
Oh come on now, mabye in some places. but all over it cant be like that.
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