Cloning Methods


New Member
Hey guys, me again and what do you know? After reading more in depth methods of cloning, I have another inquiry!

I have read alot of 'cloning tutorials' online over the last couple days and I was hoping you guys could share some of your own tips/tricks on the subject. More specifically, where you guys make your cuts.

Some people take their cuttings from the upper half of the plant, some from the lower half. Some people clone the entire top of a plant. (I'd really like to read more about this. Is there is some advantage to cloning the apical tip of the mother?)

How and where do you make YOUR cuts?
it's pretty simple man (IMO)

1. find a stem that has 2-3 leaf sets on it already
2. make a 45 degree cut (with sanitized scissors) right under one of the leaf sets.
3. now peel one of the leaves back real slowly so the soft/wet part (not sure of it's technical term) is exposed on the stem.
4. dip in rooting compound (rootech ftw)
5. put the cutting into a 1x1 rockwool cube that was pretreated in 5.5 ph'd water.
6. put inside a humidity dome

if you made the cut correctly and slowly let your plant adapt to lower humidity conditions everything should be easy and fine, i've had 100% cloning right from my first try, just take your time and have confidence.

(you can clone without a humidity dome and just a t-5 light i've had 100% success this way as well, but i've noticed i get roots much quicker if i use the dome.)
yeah, i notice if sometimes my cutting has one leaf bigger than the other, the whole plant for like 3 weeks is off balanced then it fixes itself... its strange
using Great White or Clone X helps in rooting Consider some kind of "dip" so the rooting starts quickly (Hormel is another rooting product)
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