co2 question


New Member
Does anyone know how to make a co2 container? What I'm looking for is something like the "co2boost". Just cant aford one at this time and would rather make one myself
all it is in a co2 boost is mushroom growth which puts out as a biproduct is co2
I've tried several cheap methods of adding CO2. IMHO unless you have a lot of money to spend on a huge climate controled grow area in which you regulate temp. and humidity very well, don't bother w/the cheap CO2 set ups. Just do your best to provide your plants w/very good ventilation w/both intake and outflow fans.
You got to love the ones who are always try to improve their garden...."Vintner is the smart one on this thread...It is expensive to go cheap!!! That sounds weird but so true. Ventilation, Temp.,& Humidity are the main factors that you have to control and understand in your grow space if you're serious about the CO2 project. If you have control of theses 3 items the best way to control the co2 depending on your situation is with a tank,controller,and regulator.....check into the AIR-3 type controller. Now for the other part .....can you dispurse the co2 to your plants, in a sealed type enviornment? If not go back to the begining and rethink your grow space......Confused?.....There's a little book by D.Gold and Edited by Ed's called..."CO2,Temperature,and Humidity" .....$13.00 in most locations....LOL don't give up it will increace your plant growth up to 200% done correctly...Lyndog
If you must know here's something simple to think about but hard to control....Vinegar and baking soda set up ...drip vinegar into tray of baking soda...ha instant uncontrollable co2....ha LYNDOG
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