Coconut oil on cannabis?

Hi guys.

So I wanted to see if any of the scientists in our group or bookworms would have any information for me here.

So I was going to make some mite spray using rosemary as the active ingredient. Now for the oil I was thinking of using coconut oil. The main reason for the coconut oil was that it has lauric acid, so it has a built in wetting agent, plus if we gotta get oil on the plants coconut oil is one of the tastier ones and best smelling.

My question is does coconut oil have anything that anyone can think of that would be detrimental to the weed. I know grape seed oil, neem, olive, and vegetable all work without negative downsides (besides bad taste in some cases).

But I wanted to see if coconut oil (which yes it has a smell and taste but I think its a wonderful one) is ok. My other thought for a oil is cotton as cotton as far as I know has nearly no smell or taste.

Any thoughts on coconut or cotton oils as the sticking agent for a pesticide are most welcome.
Coconut oil is really thick. Not sure how well it will spray.
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