Common cold / flu and Cannabis


New Member
Maybe it's just me, but when regularly smoking Cannabis products I don't get the common cold or flu. I may feel slight sensations of my body fighting something, but rarely a runny nose or more than 3 sneezes. No sore throats, no sinus problems...nothing. This while those close to me are all sneezing, coughing, blowing, etc. In my long range studies spanning over decades, when I quit the herb I get cold and flu symptoms just like those around me. Has anyone else had an opportunity to test this over years of use / nonuse?
Same here Freak. I gave up smoking for several years. Colds and sinus infections were common. I switched back to the weed and that kind of stuff is gone.

I don't know if it can be attributed just to weed? Old junkies swear they never have colds until they go clean. It may just be the relaxed state these drugs keep you in?
A while ago, wasn't there some study done on how THC lozenges could fight the ever-so-dreaded H1N1 flu?

Everybody start tokin'.
I was talking to my friend about this yesterday actually. I used to get a cold at least once a year due to the colder climate changes, but since I started regularly smoking herb again, I haven't been sick yet.

My girl smokes just as much as I do, and she got hit hard with the flu last year, and I took to precautions to not get it, and didn't end up getting sick. I slept in the same bed, and was with her the entire time she was sick.
William Burroughs and Iggy Pop both swore they never had a cold in their years of using junk,then bitched and whined about it every time they were sick for years after. Even ol' Keef Richards brought up it publicly in one of his rare weeks off junk in the 70's.

Former dopefiends are a cranky bunch.
I have a feeling it has to do with the state of mind it puts you in, IE if you feel like you can never get sick your body just doesn't get sick, (If that makes sense). The mind is a very very powerful thing.
Yeah I was wondering about that as I usually get sick around the same time of the year. My next scheduled sickness should be between now & Easter. I have a friend who says he hasn't been sick with a cold/flu or otherwise since he has been smoking. I know the candy works great with my allergies. It seems to calm the symptoms down. I was thinking how if I did get sick & still took the candy that I probably wouldn't care that I was sick. lol. I guess only time will tell.
Well, I haven't been smoking Cannabis for three weeks now and got a cold a few days ago...the first of any consequence in about two years of resumed Cannabis use. Not what you'd call a scientific study, though...
Well, I haven't been smoking Cannabis for three weeks now and got a cold a few days ago...the first of any consequence in about two years of resumed Cannabis use. Not what you'd call a scientific study, though...

Well, I'll help you with your study.

I HAVE smoked cannabis for the past three weeks & I have NOT come down with a cold or flu. Does that help? ;)
Well there ya go! I think we're on to something!! I'll add your data to the charts. :goof: lol thank you for your participation.
I've always felt better with Indica and a cold... Sativa just didn't do it for me when sick. Not sure if anyone else has had a similiar issue.

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