Confused about possible hermie


New Member
I have three nightshades grown from fem seeds for 4 months and then flowered. They are approaching the end of week 3 and I started noticing what look like little balls forming below some of the buds. I've sexed a few crops in the past and these look a lot like the male flowers i've seen before. I assumed they would elongate and release pollen, so I started picking them off and ordered some reverse. Tonight I found one I missed before, and noticed despite the fact that it looks just like a pollen sack and not a calyx, it opened up and shot out two hairs. The only real stress these plants have had is underfeeding right as they switched to flower. No light leaks, no heat stress.

Heres a crappy pic

The choice was to either kill everything, or put up with seeds.

All three mothers were showing these little balls, and all the clones, with no stress, and after being sprayed with reverse. I noticed a few in the back of the plant that I missed when picking them off, and I saw that these particular balls eventually shot out hairs. I let them go and they eventually turned into small blossoms. It weird seeing a bud forming at the base of the node, where there is normally only a single calyx or a banana cluster. Guess I haven't dealt with good genetics before.

The plants are 2 weeks from finish and i've seen nothing that looks like a banana or open pollen sack. The buds appear to be hairs and crystals, no seeds forming yet. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I just had the balls experiance myself, but wasnt patient & ripped 3 plants out. Never seen anything like it & i've been doing this along time
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