Cooking with Cannabis Oil

Peace man, thanks for the hook up. :)

That hot dog looks dangerous and those cream puffs! Man I could never cook so many things for just one meal. I cook 2 times a day. The dishes here at my house are always pilling up cause it's 4 of us.

I need to try to cook and freeze things and just warm them up. I will keep my trimmings from the new seeds I just put into soil. I have White widow and Blue berry going so we shall see.

Another great post sir, take care and keep the faith!:slide:

I have no credit for those cream puff I buy them at cosco and just cover them with sweet goey ganja and some whip cream and 5 minute later you look like a great cook. For the hot dog I have a onion soup with alllot of bread that why I didn't use bread on the soup to much carb. I use to make food for 10 peoples on the week end and frezze the rest. When I use to work a normal job I alway's make big batch of food for my lunch or dinner at nigth it alway's better tasting the next day anyway that why I love to marinated my meat.
Even phylo pastry is so easy to make wil make a video on the next phylo food.
Sisco it easy to cook just smoke a big one :grinjoint:and let your imagination go that's why I do and my wife doesn't complaint.
Take care:goodluck:on your food.
Fiance told me tonight a couple frozen meals I bought at market were recalled. I am going to blame pain and cramps on that. Thank you for your reply. I understand now.

It is cool you found you cramp problem but not cool you had pain from bad food. I been eating ganja food for a long time the only bad think if is to strong you sleep. That is one raisson I cook my food but I can buy bad meat and get sick too. :roorrip:
Ribs a la ganja

Really easy I buy them already cook at Vons lack of time sometime. I take all the sauce out of the ribs add cognac, maple syrup, dijon mustard,hp,worcester and 1/2 ounce of oil with ganja and but it back on the spare ribs and let seat in the fridge for 3 day's and heated in the oven or barbecue the rest of the sauce you heat it in a pan and put it on the ribs when is in the plate and other plate who make me look good with no rush to cook.

I really wish I had the time to cook and eat the way you do. I have to take a page from the Europeans and learn to slow down a little bit. 70+ hour weeks for both me and my fiance really take its toll on your diet.

It was Marie Callender frozen meals. Have to find the article and find spwcifics, I have 6-8 different meals in mny freezer right now. but I have been feeling fine after eating my sweets. I understand that It needs more time to cook to get the effects you want but I am not sick.
Fiance told me tonight a couple frozen meals I bought at market were recalled. I am going to blame pain and cramps on that. Thank you for your reply. I understand now.

That good to know I just been trying to make some easy recipe for you out there I do have alot of time for cooking with no kid and just a wife to cook for. I try to make some cookie with cookie dough I buy at $.99 store. I mix the dough and add 4 table spoon of flour and refer oil and sweet goey ganja. Need to make it rigth and I will find how to do it rigth with cookie dough. The one a made are really strong it's like 2 brownies at one time. My wife told me they look like cow patty and she is rigth LOL will put a picture soon for you to laugh too.

But they are dawm good. Will find some easy recipe you can do and freezze and eat later is so better for you and tast great.

Take care:peace: to out the world. I wish now is time to have a icy :roorrip: and relax
How do you manage to eat something that looks like that lol.

Sounds easy cause the dough is pre-made but you still have to make the oil and gooey.
How do you manage to eat something that looks like that lol.

Sounds easy cause the dough is pre-made but you still have to make the oil and gooey.

It take about 10 minute to make 3 pound of goey ganja after you drain thr trim from the oil. Add everything in the blender and the blender do the job. I will put a pict of the cow patty cookie you will see is not that bad my wife have a big imagination.
That good to know I just been trying to make some easy recipe for you out there I do have alot of time for cooking with no kid and just a wife to cook for. I try to make some cookie with cookie dough I buy at $.99 store. I mix the dough and add 4 table spoon of flour and refer oil and sweet goey ganja. Need to make it rigth and I will find how to do it rigth with cookie dough. The one a made are really strong it's like 2 brownies at one time. My wife told me they look like cow patty and she is rigth LOL will put a picture soon for you to laugh too.

But they are dawm good. Will find some easy recipe you can do and freezze and eat later is so better for you and tast great.

Take care:peace: to out the world. I wish now is time to have a icy :roorrip: and relax

Peace man, do you have little mushrooms popping out of the cow patty? lol

That would be a great party dish.:peace:
I just buy my domain names for my blog and don't worry I will never live my cooking journal in 420. 420 is my number 1 site I have other site but I go once every 2 month the knowledge and people are really kind for helping. Sisco when I google ganjafinecuisine your journal link show on the page sorry for your job. Be like me I try to get 100 different job before I retire 3 to go LOL.
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I belive it will be working tonight or tomorow I did everything this morning on go and I want to start a cooking show on the web once a month in the futur. The blog is under construction now and will run full blast by the end of july. Hope to connect the 420 cooking with oil journal on the blog if is ok with 420. Thanks allot
Either way let me know and I will watch you there since you don't come here often and you entertain me. You can't want much more then that.
Great job pretty site.

Thanks learning the site how to make it at the same time just change color on the font on the steak picture you couldn't read it. One day soon I will buy a faster computer and be on 420 more often. Just to slow for me. Will but my short film about tasting ganja fine cuisine as soon it is finish belive october. But need to work on the primary bussiness the one who bring money at home, more a play on 420 less money I make god dawn material world. You know how to kill little tinny withe spider who kill some of my plant I try allot of different stuff but they are strong spider they make web on the bud and I can see them what will be the best product
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