Coughing in the morning?


New Member
Does anyone else cough up resin, or something that looks like blackish specs of shit in the morning or after a nice thick bong rip??? Just wondering if im the only one, maybe i jst smoke too much. LOL thats not possible!!!:headbanger:
See a doctor man. Fast.
i never have, only flem.... my friend would cough up little white balls (sickkkkkk) and black stuff which he thought was from blunts, but it turned out he had an infection sooo....... if it gets worse 4 u try gargling some listerine every day atleast 3 times a day, it might kill the bacteria
I would inhail the listorene and cough it back up, sounds like cancer to me.
White balls???......yuck, none of that here. I just figure its from the smoke, all that shit gets built up ni your lungs, and when you cough real deep, flem and shit comes up.....too many bong hits. I think i'll try some mucinex. Brett, youre scarin me with the cancer. Im only 25 fuck that shit!! On the upside i could get my card. Poor trade for health though.:bong:
Do you smoke cigs as well? Also, how hard are you ripping that pipe!

Whatever the case, I would see a doctor about it, preferably an ear,nose, and throat specialist. There are many different conditions that can affect your throat, some are infections that require antibiotics and some are chronic but treatable conditions requiring medicine. I could be wrong, but I sincerely doubt you have Cancer.
yeah man ive been smoking daily for about 5-6 years now, i rarely cough up shit, sometimes ill cough up clear shit, but thats it..
Ya, i smoke cigs......only about 2 a day though. It's a social thing @ work () dont ask). My bong rips way too thick i need a smaller down stem. Every one who comes over is scared to hit it because it's made em throw up from thick rips!!!! Hahaha. Pussies:laughtwo:
Maybe thats part of your problem. You don't need to sufficate yourself with smoke, much less come close to vomiting, to get stoned. Why not take smaller rips or just smoke a handpipe?

Whatever the case, I would see a doctor. No matter how much bud you smoke you shouldn't be coughing up black shit. Also, be honest with your doctor or he can't diagnose your problem correctly.

I knew a kid once who told me his doctor straight up told him "You are smoking too much weed and destroying your lungs." He was prescribed some sort of inhaler for it and told to cut back.
nope never cough up black shit in my life, and been smokin pot and cigs since i was 12. I used to cough up yellowish greenish shit, but now its all clear... yeah u should see a doctor just incase its somethin serious. I hate doctors to bro, but health comes before everything.
True, very true bcman. Time to call the Doc. And ya i need a new bong, that thing is killer. Roorman, you are right also. I need to stop smoking such big rips. I got the cash for a PHX, think this would help with the filtering and smoke quality?
if your talking like brown/black flem, yes i have, it seemed like it was mostly from smoking roaches out of my bong too. Also many blunts could do it too.
You need a doctor too man.
I don't think smoking cannabis can cause little black shit comin' up when you cough unless you're inhalin' some giiiigaaantic hits.

Try not takin' huge hits and maybe you won't cough. And not coughing would mean no more little black chunks, but a doctor might be the best bet. Just tell the Doctor you're coughin' resin up after a huge bong hit. He'll know what to do :laughtwo:
Coughing up black specs of shit sounds more serious than just cigarette smoking or bong smoking. I smoke like 4 bongs a day and I've never once coughed up some black spots.
you HIT the bong 20 times a day? or smoke 20 bong bowls a day?
No 20 hits......1 bowl lasts about 3 about 7 bowls a day.......from when i get off to when i go to sleep. Thats really not that much. I've been smoking for 9 years solid. That doesnt sound like a whole lot now that i think of it.:laughtwo:
well i guess if you feel fine, but I'd still see a doc if you can.
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