Creeping Jackboots

In supernatural British Columbia, they’ve set up this extra-judicial scheme to thwart my Overgrow the Government movement, a completely non-violent, peaceful movement. It is a movement and an industry dedicated to producing carbon-absorbing plants -- possibly the world’s most useful plant, cannabis.

The government has lost the war against the cannabis culture, the sheer size of our industry in British Columbia and the world shows we are gaining converts and Overgrowing more than ever before. That the Cannabis Culture has won the hearts & minds of the people is clear when we see the methods and doctrines of our sworn enemies. I speak of Langley, B.C.’s new Nuremburg Laws. This is the DEA mentality, the U.S. mentality. The one that said of Vietnam, “we have to destroy it to save it.” And that’s what these new Nuremburg Laws will do to Canada.

It’s impossible to remain a civilized nation when the government labels 60 per cent of Canada’s people as “heretics”. When the people and their critical thinking are the problem, despotism is just around the corner. Polls since 2004 have shown each year a majority of Canadians want marijuana legalized, from 53 per cent to 62 per cent, and gaining each year.

A year ago, a discussion in the movement ensued whereby it was agreed the Nazi phenomenon and drug prohibition were historically comparable -- the book Drug Warriors & Their Prey by Richard Lawrence Miller is the great book on that -- but as it would turn off mainstream Canadians, we thought it was best to never use the N (Nazi) word in any discussion about prohibition and Canada’s future.

But in the last month, I have had to reconsider being silent about the comparisons. First, I interviewed important former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent Cellerino Castillo, who uncovered the Oliver North Arms-For-Drugs DEA-CIA involvement in Central America. In two shocking interviews, I heard testimony of a man who witnessed and filmed executions, murders, rapes, and did this over several years in central America on behalf of the DEA. Castillo still has the passports of everyone he saw murdered and dispatched. Castillo’s book Powderburns is a searing and difficult book to read because it’s incomprehensible that the U.S. government is made up of monsters who know this is all going on.

A few days after these intense interviews, prohibitionist authority figures in British Columbia were proudly announcing their most recent Nazi tactic. It is a tactic these prohibitionists predict will be implemented across Canada; every house in Canada that uses electricity can be invaded over and over again by the state with impunity.

Wrote Bryan from New Westminster to me in October, “I’m getting so sick of this Hydro-electric monitoring. I have four large tropical aquariums with heaters, and I’ve had BC Hydro show up with the New Westminster Fire department at my house four times this past year. Each time these people are going through my entire apartment looking for ‘unsafe wiring’. I know its simply because my hydro bill is higher than normal for an apartment this size.”

Looked at objectively from Mars, this is the most comprehensive and uniquely invasive surveillance system in Canada. An Inquisition based on lies at that. But aren’t all the inquisitions based on lies? None of the statements from civic leaders, fire departments, hydro officials and especially police and elected officials are true. And no elected official ever points out the absurdly invasive nature of sending bureaucrats to houses based on power consumption to intimidate owners and tenants. Chances of a ‘grow-op’ fire are miles below that of a cooking fire. Weapons are almost never found in raids. Resistance to police in these “raids” is virtually unknown. Therefore our Kevlar jacketed SWAT teams and their late-night raids become solely an expression of sadism and terror, essential ingredients in any inquisition.

The proof of Naziland is when a government decides to by-pass the existing legal system and set up its own repressive system with new laws. The purpose of these new laws is to allow persecution of a group that could not be sufficiently abused under the old legal system.

This is not being done in secret. It was with public pride authority figures announced a new system of “prevention and deterrence” for marijuana growers. This state-approved vigilante system completely bypasses the existing ‘stupid’ courts. This is unprecedented. A separate police-state system has been set up to “protect” the public from something 60 per cent of the nation wants. When has this happened before? When has the power of criminal law, from investigating to sentencing, been taken over by a gang of real estate agents, municipal politicians and their bureaucrat lackeys?

Reported in the October 25, 2008 Vancouver Sun, this back door attempt to invade people’s homes appears to have created a special category of search warrant for police to use exclusively on marijuana growers. The BC Supreme Court has ruled the “safety” inspections do not violate the Canadian Charter. However, the court said any police accompanying the inspection teams would have to have a warrant. The main reason for the appearance of these “safety” teams -- with the power to fine you thousands of dollars on the spot, evict you from your home, report you to police, order expensive repairs, report anything they deem interesting to whatever agency they choose, as there are no limits to what can be done with the information gathered -- was that it took “too long” to get a warrant, and that it took too long to make a case that would stand up in criminal court.

Previous court rulings have said that a hydro bill alone is not enough to get a warrant, so what you have is a new paradigm for law in Canada.

In reality, these inspection teams have an automatic search warrant, the first of its kind in Canada. All it requires is a hydro bill provided by the police, the electric company or the municipality. This is simply the way to bring back The Writ Of Assistance. Remember those? If you are under 50 years old, perhaps you do not. The Supreme Court tossed them out in the '80s when the 24-hour anytime/anywhere search warrants exclusive to the RCMP’s drug squads, no judge needed. City or provincial police who wanted to search someone’s house for a non-drug issue but couldn’t get a warrant used to take an RCMP narc along because they alone had Writs of Assistance. Now it’s back as the “Safety” Writ of Assistance. Thousands of “safety” inspectors armed with the new hydro search warrant will carry out the ultimate battle; ridding Canada of every single marijuana plant in every single home in every single municipality in Canada.

Sixteen per cent of Canadians have consumed cannabis in the recent year, a larger percentage than any other westernized nation, according to a 2007 United Nations survey. That’s perhaps four to five million Canadians over 15.

This new legal regime will necessitate the largest repressive state organization imaginable to achieve the goal of a cannabis-free Canada.

In the dystopian book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the local firemen no longer put out fires; instead their job had evolved to be the incinerators of every controversial book. In fact, in that bleak future world envisioned by Bradbury, fires had largely been eliminated, physically. The world had been made very safe. The dangers were now the thoughts in people’s heads, ideas put there by books.

Enacting extrajudicial punishments, on the spot fines, unannounced home inspections at any time based on your purchases from the government monopoly utility, is turning the entire democratic premise upside down to eradicate a peaceful culture of 5,000,000 Canadians for something 60 per cent of Canadians think should not be a crime at all. There is no other single law that the citizens want repealed more than the prohibition of cannabis, yet we are prepared to gut our constitutional bedrock to wage a war on fellow Canadians.

It used to be that prohibition meant media demonization, moronic myths, black markets, some repugnant penalties, hypocrisy, police corruption, but until now the actual constitutional structure that is the foundation of Canada remained more or less intact. The courts with all their safeguards concerning your privacy rights were there.

Not anymore.

“Justice is no aim in itself. We must exterminate the idea that it is a judge’s function to let the law prevail. That is pure madness.” Adolph Hitler

“A general consensus at the forum was prevention and deterrence will have to come from other avenues than the courts.” Weeding Out Drug Houses, Langley Times, Oct. 18, by Monique Tamminga

A conference of prohibitionist politicians, police, bylaw officers, real estate agents and property managers admitted police cannot stop marijuana growing in Canada as long as the current system of criminal law exists. They were referring to the legal system upon which Canada was founded. It ensures Canada is and remains a civilized and just country with safeguards for basic individual rights and freedoms. For the marijuana culture that legal system and its safeguards are now a memory. They were extinguished while Canada slept.

“Why should I care about marijuana prohibition?” straight people often ask me. This is why. We awake to a new world order, one that has historical precedent.

The Langley Times reported: “To put a dent in grow ops and meth labs, it’s time to consider the problem as a public safety issue and get away from relying on a failed court system, said Surrey Fire Chief Len Garis at a forum held in Langley City on Thursday.”

Compare that with this declaration by the Reich President for the Protection of the People and the State on February 28, 1933, exactly one month after Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany; “Thus restrictions to personal liberty, the right of free expression of opinion, and warrants for house-searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”

According to the Langley Times piece, prohibitionists blame the “required judge-approved warrants and other technicalities” for the spread of marijuana gardens. What used to be the bedrock of our Charter Rights is now mere nuisance technicality, not to just police, but the entire government bureaucracy and civil service at all three levels of government! In addition to 65,000 police in this country watching us, there are hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats who are now court-empowered to interfere with us, with no constitutional limit on what they see and do, and no limits on what they can do with whatever information they gather.

As a result, a new criminal law system has been established by stealth, designed to replace the existing uncooperative and ‘stupid’ court system. Search warrants, fair trials, rules of evidence, disclosure, judges and juries have all been eliminated. In their place is this omnipotent all-powerful cabal of vested interests whose pay-cheques are more and more dependent on marijuana prohibition.

As the Langley symposium showed, these bureaucratic inquisitors currently have the right to invade your home anytime they want and as often as they want, treat you in a rude and abusive manner without consequence, steal your belongings (at least one theft investigation has been admitted to), shut off your power on a whim, search your home, fine you into financial ruin, evict you, and publicize it all forever.

This new legal system is being used to persecute Canadians who grow marijuana, a plant that two out of three Canadians insist should be legal. A suspected murderer, rapist, or thief has more rights than people suspected of growing a single marijuana plant in the privacy of their own residence.

Municipal and police budgets reflect this perverted priority in millions of wasted dollars that could be better spent on anything else. Whether these new culture cops find anything is irrelevant. That is not the point and never has been. As with any cultural inquisition, the point is to create fear and terror and social control. It is also sadism for the sake of sadism, power for the sake of power. It is this sort of repressive mentality the courts are meant to protect the citizen from. Not anymore.

What is at the heart of this? What is the basis for the irrational fear authority has about a beneficial plant? Why are they willing to destroy the legal structure of Canada and ignore the majority of Canadian voters? What kind of mind can promote such insanity and why?

The answer on both questions comes from US President Richard Nixon, the creator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the modern “drug war”. He based his destructive methods and policies on one thing; Nixon believed the single biggest threat to civilization was the “Woodstock generation.” The ethos of pacifism, anti-war, marijuana, sexual libertation, racial mixing -- all this represented heresy to the establishment political class. Nixon’s paranoid and alcoholic delusions have since then fuelled the ultimate cultural scapegoat that has endured to today. The Demonic Sixties!

And Tricky Dick, who was clinically diagnosed by his psychiatrist as a paranoid schizophrenic, is not alone. “What we are up against in trying to deal with the drug problem is a 1960’s culture,” said Prime Minister Stephen Harper after announcing Bill C-26 in late 2007, mandating stiffer penalties and mandatory minimum jail terms for drug offenses including growing pot. Harper wants to reverse the culture of the 1960s, which he still regards as being the chief enemy to conservative ideology.

"A simple war on drugs is not going to be successful, but neither is simply being soft on the question going to be successful," Harper said. "We are up against... a culture that since the 1960s has at the minimum not discouraged drug use and often romanticized it, or made it cool. My son is listening to my Beatles records and asking me what all these lyrics mean... I love these records. I'm not putting them away... But we have to change the culture," he said. (AFP News, October 4, 2007)

Langley City’s municipal politicians are indeed involved in a war on culture, not just in their Orwellian “safety” team inspections. A few weeks back, on October 28, Randy Caine, one of the defendants in the 2003 decision before the Canadian Supreme Court that attempted to legalize marijuana, opened a store in Langley called “Hempyz”, selling all manner of novelties promoting marijuana and hemp. There were no bongs or smoking items, just endless clothes, posters, T-shirts, and novelties with the pot leaf prominently displayed.

The Mayor of Langley was on Caine’s doorstep the next day assuring Caine that his new business would never get a business license. Here’s what Mayor Fassbender said to the Langley Times: “Any business with hemp-related materials doesn’t conform with our zoning bylaws, which were created in 1996... He has the right to appeal to council and see if this decision can be changed. My personal opinion, and I am only one person on council, is I’m totally opposed to stores that sell pot leaf novelty items,” he said. “It’s inappropriate because it desensitizes us and especially youth to the issue of drugs. I get a lot of calls from citizens concerned with youth using drugs in the City.”

Caine was told a week later that if he removed the soaps, shampoos and cosmetics that contained non-psychoactive hemp, he could get a business license. "It's like Reefer Madness without the reefer," he said. So a peaceful business selling symbols of freedom and rebellion and even soap is “inappropriate” and ultimately deemed to be illegal but jackboot bureaucrats with a license to inspect your home at any time for any reason, that’s for the public safety!

This is how the law has become today. When such a breakdown in the rule of law occurs, public opinion becomes irrelevant to government. Those in authority mock the public will. They believe it is just a matter of jacking up the propaganda campaign to get the people thinking right. That’s why Harper has his $64 million ad campaign in 2008: to bribe the media with cash, and to thwart the expression of the people. In the warped and self-serving logic of prohibition zealots, democratic opinion is the enemy. As with all inquisitions, independent thought becomes a crime.

To the mentality of the Cultural Inquisitor, 62 per cent of Canadians wanting legal weed doesn’t mean a thing; 80 per cent, 90 per cent, 100 per cent -- it means nothing. The people must be separated from their own individual lifestyle choices and expressions no matter what the cost is. And the cost, as history continuously shows, will be devastating.


Thirty minutes after I finished this piece, I got an email, one of the many I get every day. The letter requires no further editorial comment from me. Hopefully, one day Canadian police and politicians will stop harassing the “heretics”. I can hope, and I can act. I hope you will also.

“Mr. Emery,

My name is Kelly. I am a 34-year-old housewife in Sherwood Park, Alberta. Two days ago, my house was raided for the 3rd time, in front of my small children, I might add. The RCMP recovered 3 plants and 2 clones that my husband was growing in our bedroom closet for me. I smoke on a daily basis to help control my eating disorder. I have been bulimic for 15 years. 3 years ago I began using pot as a medicine after therapy and anti-depressants had failed miserably years ago. The problem is that I can't find a physician who is willing to prescribe it, let alone 2 specialists. I'm at my wits end. I'm tired of being treated like a criminal and druggie. I smoke so I can eat dinner with my family without puking my guts up. If there is anyone out there with advice to give, it’s you. Please, I would be extremely grateful.


Kelly L.”

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 Magazine
Source: Western Standard
Author: Marc Emery
Contact: Western Standard
Copyright: 2008 Western Standard
Website: Creeping Jackboots
Marc, our Northern Brother has always been able to diseminate the facts and share them in a way to comprehend and understand, what they are going thru in Canada> It does have a direct bearing on many other nations. Including the USA.
Tactics like the ones described above has draconian cause and effects of a scared Conservative ideology. When one runs scared they have a tendancy to throw at their opponants anything that'll stave off the inevitable of a changing society and its values and mores. We wish you & your Northern compadres the best in your endeavors to keep informing the public citizens of the world of these drastic measures being brought about in ones own society of living humans.
A Hui Hou
You know, if I ever get into growing, I'll first be sure to be off of the grid: solar power, diesel generator. Then they can cut me off for refusing them entry for as long as they want.

You know, there's a new political hope that was borne out of the last election: Justin Trudeau. Remember his father? He's the guy who tried to legalize it and he was the one who came up with the Bill of Rights. If I was in Montreal right now, I'd march into his office and demand that he run in and win the Liberal leadership race. His wife uses medical marijuana. I personally cannot think of a better politician to lead our nation.

The truth is that the Liberal party, in the US as in Canada, is not a leftest party. It's a centrist party that leans left or right on the middle. It's the Conservative/Republican extremist right wing policies that make it look left.
I have often wondered what the Harper self serving bonehead who fucking cares what the people want government would do, if we the people asked for drug tests on our elected minority leaders. Also on the my son asks what these words mean on The Beatles records he should let his son listen to some Snoop Dog, Lil Kim, 50 Cent etc. instead. Or just explain that some of the best music, art, books, ideas, movies including Fantasia, Alice in wonderland, Kid shows ie. Sesame Street ( remember the song that taught you to count to 12 or the cartoon for that song to be more specific ) was a result of substances that he is strongly against.

Harper really has no idea what the people want nor does he care. He has no character, charisma, vision or leadership qualities. He is currently chipping away at the foundation that is Canada, with little to no respect to what others took so long to build. The other parties were not much better and that is why the last election had the lowest voter turnout in history. Lets hope that's his legacy that Canada remembers him by. I too hope for Justin Trudeau for Prime Minister.
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