Critical Purple Auto Fem


Well-Known Member
Hi guys first time Auto grower here. Few questions I notice my plant aren't as full as I wish them to be . They are 7 weeks old from seeds.
They look nice not thick enough. Is this what auto plants look like? I know I have 6 weeks to go before harvest but these popcorn buds are a disappointment what about you guy growing auto hows your plants. Any advice to give me i feed them Cyco nutrients they have all the light they need i have them at 600 watts because at a 1000 watts they were starting to wilt from heat. there are in a 10x10 grow tent with a dehumidifier holding at 60 percent and air conditioning at 25 degrees.

All of em the same?

They look fine to me but then again all pretty far off pics

Autos are a bit different because you don't control the veg time thus the harvest is usually faster
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