Dean's First Mini-Bubbler Grow

Dean Moriarty

New Member
Previously, on Dean's:
Three of five high-mid bagseeds germinated in his starters. After a few days, roots came from the bottoms and they were transplanted to 5" netpots filled with hydroton under CFLs and watered hempy style. A couple of days later they were placed in a 10 gallon tote with two airstones, with weak nutes and a touch of superthrive just over the bases of the pots. Suddenly, Specimen A began to wilt. After some extra watering and added lighting (4 26w cfls, 1 18" grolux, and 2 100w cfls) they were arranged with B and C directly under the big ones with A in between them. This is their story...

Today, I came home to find nice tight branching beginning on the rapidly growing plants. Just a few inches high and a tangle of big leaves! Specimen A did not make it and was removed from the experiment. However, an intersting difference was noted between B and C - B is double C's size and has roots coming out from all sides of the netpot! C hasn't shown nearly as rapid root growth. No major differences in the handling of the two young plants, aside from the cfl directly above C being slightly angled while the one above B is straight.

Little did these two survivors realize that, just above them in the secret germination chamber, a Feminized Nirvana Northern Lights sprout was beginning to peek out of it's starter cube, ready to take the place of their fallen comrade...
The resevoir was topped off with a gallon of 3 tsp vigor 3 Tsp grow 1 tsp bloom and 1 tsp Superthrive in dH2O, poured through the netpots. The next day, root tips were coming from the bottom of Specimen C!

The Northern Lights sapling is about an inch in height now. Half a litre of water was added to the germ tray, containing the NL, AK 48, and two and a half dozen tomato seeds.
Tragedy! While arranging lights for tomato seedlings in the top cabinet, a light fell on the incredibly vigorous, half a foot of root Specimen B, singing leaves! Both showed growth but C was no where near as close.

Specimen NL.f, about an inch tall, was moved down to the middle netpot of the bubbler and first watered with a splash of dH2O, then a few more mililitres of a mix of 5 mL vigor/grow/bloom and a splash of Superthrive to a gallon of water. To treat the injured B, some of this was poured atop it as well. For consistency's sake, C received the same treatment.

Let's hope that Specimen B survives and that NL.f hasn't been moved to 350W worth of CFL before she could handle it...
Hey Dean,

Don't feel too bad about beating on your ladies, happens to every one from time to time. Dropped my lights on my last gal not once, but twice! Feels awful, though they usually forgive us.

I will be watching for sure!

Oh do you plan on posting images?
An inerestimf development - Specimen B has recovered from the singing as if it were topped, forming apparently three growth nodes on top and filling out rather bushily. Specimen C, on the other hand, has developed enormous fan leaves.

The resevoir was topped off with 2 tsp grow and vigor in 1 gal dH2O last night, they look even prettier this morning. In the next day or two the entire res will be changed.
Is this grow still alive?
If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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