Diagnose my plant


New Member

Checked my plant to find out she's not 100%
Just wondering if someone could hazard a guess to what is causing the yellowness of the edges or the leafs
I've uploaded a few pictures hopefully they will help


Hi D!

After looking at your pics, I see a few problems that might be interlinked, which can be tricky but doable if you do the correct treatment.

1) My first assessment I prioritize as being a Potassium deficiency. The last image with you holding your leaf, those mild spots look like a potassium deficiency, AND the other pics above that many leaves in foreground and background are also curling upwards a bit. Both brown spots and leaf tips curling up are signs of a potassium deficiency. so from the NPK standard, your plant is getting less of "K" at the moment. Are you in flowering stage? Your lights are more yellow than white in the pics so that element also matters when and how much Potassium(K) you are giving. In flowering you need a lot of K, and less of N(Nitrogen)+P(Phosporous)

2) There might be a pH imbalance in your soil (Brown spots on middle/lower leaves). Do you have anything to check your soils pH like a pH pen or pH strips? If not, grab a pH pen fast. Check the pH of the water you use, distilled preferably since its neutral and you can adjust things as you go along. What water are you using, tap water, distilled, Reverse Osmosis water or something else?
Before watering next time, check water pH, and also check the pH of the water run-off that comes out below. Any salt deposit build up or toxicity will be evident in the pH of your soil first. If you can get your hands on some of this stuff from General Hydroponics pH kit, it will help with your plant greatly!

3) Root bound/Root rot: I'll have to agree with Emilya and Svein in this that you might have a root rot problem as well. Your roots might be getting root bound and rotting. What size pot are you using and what week is your plant into at the moment?

You might need to flush this baby if the environment has gotten too toxic, and give it some Potassium(K) in your next feed. If its getting really bad, you can do a foiloir spray under/around the leaves to help with its deficiency before you start taking major steps with soil flushes or transplanting. I would turn to flush/transplant as last resorts with transplanting as the last resort.

Keep these handy should you come across anything that looks out of the ordinary with your lady!

THere are tonnes of people here to also help guide you so hang in there! This was my input, but I would really go out there and get a pH pen asaP to help with anything pH related. Once you have the pH under control you can try to deduce what else might be going on. I say its primarily a Potassium(K) deficiency and since you look like youre in the flowering stage with yellow/warm lights your lady will want more K than shes getting at the moment.

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