Diesels First Deep Water Culture Grow

ok fans, I had a small incident with my plants, had the fam over for my famous burger dog BBQ and asked a few peeps to help me with the res change since the big one is 3 ft tall now, so we took the lid off placed on the chairs like I do, I take the res to the bathroom to clean and refill and I hear screams!!!!!, "Oh my gosh they fell over!!!!" is what I hear. I run from bathroom and plants are on the floor, hydroton everywhere and fire comes out of my eyes!! well not really, I`m pretty mello, but I was pissed but more concerned with the prob at hand, broken leaves all over the floor etc..... Got it all back together but looking sad, I`m bummed ATM, but I figure BP should bounce back quickly, what do you guys think if you`ve had it happen to you?

(burger dogs) burger base meatball style hot dogs, yummmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!
No personal experience, but I've read on 420 other "accidents" that have happened to people and these plants we grow are pretty resilient and seem to bounce back. As long as you didn't bust the main stalk off. Best of luck DF. :goodluck:
nope, main stalks are fine Green007, would need an axe to hurt those, lol

the biggest lesson I`ve learned with this system is not to veg for so long, lol, I have the room but its hard to remove the lid and clean out the res now, although from what I saw last night, the water was clear and smelled clean, so I might start pumping the water out (the Roseman way) if it smells clean inside. Since the fall over, the branches are out of balance because they got bent so they want to fall over now. I have string holding everything together but I might have to build a trellis of some sort, any ideas would be appreciated... peace!
People use all kinds of methods to hold the branches up as needed, whatever works for your situation will be fine. One thing I would like to mention about string tho, don't tie it really tight to the branch, try to keep it a loose loop as to not damage the branch as it grows. You can tie them to each other, to the walls and or ceiling, whatever it takes my friend. I bet you are going to be fine.
My wife's main sermon that she gives almost everyday is that we mistakenly make mountains out of mole hills, and it is ALL mole hills. Ain 't nothing short of DEATH worth getting upset over. And DEATH is Final, so get over it too.

I admire you for your attitude and proud you're a brother BH.






damn d that sucks, but from the pics they look fine. some tough plants mj is. and your rite life goes on and no need to worry over the small stuff
that thread sounds cool Rose! I voted for mostly crazy, even though I`ve never spoken to him, I`ve seen some threads and he has great input, just as you do! peace brother!
My first grow i broke major stems and they healed up even bent side ways and Welcome to the Deep Water Culture Gang:welcome:
Very nice my friend!! I came home from work the other day to find one my plants had collapsed, so I know how you felt! It got so heavy from the buds, the cup dropped through the opening in the lid! I love the posters in the growroom, makes for a nice environment for the plants.:)
The ladies look good, glad that accident didnt effect them much I would be in a very sad state. Will read through the other pages l8er service where i am sucks but hey its free :) pce bro
yep, I freaked but alls good, lol ya, incentive for my girls, the posters and music are for them but really for me, lmao!! peace bro!
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