Discoloration on a few leaves seeking guidance

i just checked and the ppm is 1126 and the ph is 6.10. im having trouble keeping the ph down. it says on my nutes to adjust to 5.5-5.8 and i cant seem to keep it at 5.7 every morning i adjust it back down from 6.1-6.2 back to 5.7 any ideas on that?

Those darn roots putting out root exudate again - causes the pH to go to where the plant wants it. Likely she wants more Calcium at this stage.

I'm a soil grower so no help from me on feeding but I know about root exudate and pH.

In soil I wouldn't worry about my plants looking like that down low until it progresses farther. Sometimes those lower leaves just don't get enough light.

I usually trim them off when the plant in small like yours at flip. Mainly for better air flow. I don't like cutting fan leaves but I do like to keep a tight ship down low.

Eh? How can a gallon be different? It's 4546ml for us in the UK. Actually, That's gotta be us that fucked that one up. Who the hell decided that was a good way to measure things lol.

Reason for different size "gallons" is because colonies (not participating in English government) were taxed on goods shipped, by volume.

To solve the inequity, the US made the gallon smaller. More gallons = more tax money. The reverse works too. Less gallons (larger "imperial" gallon), less taxes paid. Kinda interesting. It's a shipping tax thing. Canada was/is still considered an Imperial colony??? something like that so they don't pay taxes on goods from England like whiskey and the like. Rum was a big one back in the day.

It's in a history book. I think the USA had a tea party and decided coffee was the beverage of choice after the tea party. Doesn't make any sense, I guess I had to be there. lol
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